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Dr. Said Aljoumani

Institut für Islamwissenschaft

Einstein Guest Researcher (founded by Einstein-Stiftung Berlin)

Fabeckstr. 23/25
Room 1.1073
14195 Berlin

Curriculum Vitae

Academic Positions

9/2016 – 10/2017     Visiting Researcher, University of Jordan

IIE Scholar Rescue Fund (New York) scholarship for manuscript-related project

10/2017 – 9/2018     Visiting Fellow, Institute of Islamic Studies, Freie Universität Berlin

IIE Scholar Rescue Fund scholarship for manuscript-related project

10/2018 – 9/2020     Affiliated Researcher, Institute of Islamic Studies, Freie Universität Berlin

Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (Philipp Schwartz Initiative) scholarship for manuscript-related project

10/2020 – 12/2021   Einstein Guest Researcher (E13), Institute of Islamic Studies, Freie Universität Berlin

Einstein-Stiftung Berlin for the project Towards a new corpus of historical documents for writing the medieval history of the Arabic Middle East: The ijāza database (with Staatsbibliothek Berlin and Bibliotheca Arabica/Leipzig)



2010    PhD in Library Studies, Cairo University/Faculty of Arts and Humanities Specialisation in Manuscripts and Cataloguing (supervisors: Prof. Abdul Sattar al-Halwagi, Dr. Shams El-Asseel Mohamed Ali) [fully funded by study-abroad scholarship]

2007    MA in Library Studies, Cairo University/Faculty of Arts and Humanities Specialisation in History of the Book and Libraries (Historical Bibliography) [fully funded by study-abroad scholarship]

Conferences contributions (all in Arabic, translated):

  • The library of the Sufi lodge al-Sumaysatiyya in Damascus during the Ayyubid and Mamluk era. Presented at the 11th Conference of the Committee of Islamic Manuscripts: Sufism and Islamic Manuscript Heritage, Magdalene College, University of Cambridge, September 13th -15th 2016.
  • The renewed register of books endowed by Uthman Pasha al-Duraki to the Madrasa Uthmaniyya Rida'iyya in Aleppo in the 19th century. Presented at the 10th International Conference of the History of Greater Syria: The Ottoman Reforms (Tanzimat) and their application in Greater Syria in the 19th century, Centre of Documents and Manuscripts at Jordan University, April 3rd 2017.

Book AwardsMela Book Award 2021

Vorgestellt: Dr. Said Aljoumani in campus.leben



مكتبة مدرسية في حلب: الدفتر المجدد لكتب وقف عثمان باشا الدورِكي

The Library of a Madrasa in Aleppo at the End of the Ottoman Era: The Renewed Register of the Books Endowed by Uthman Pasha al-Duriki. Beirut: Orient Institut Beirut, 2019.

مكتبات بلاد الشام في عهد الدولتين النورية والأيوبية 541-658هـ/1146-1260م

Syrian libraries in the Zangid and Ayyubid era 541-658 AH/1146-1260 CE, Damascus: Dar Nūr Ḥawran/al-Suwayda: Dar al-ʿAwam, 2014.



مؤلّفات يوسف بن حسن بن عبد الهادي ومساهمته في حفظ التّراث الفكريّ

(co-authored with Konrad Hirschler) The oeuvre of Ibn ʿAbd al-Hādī and his Contribution to the Intellectual Heritage, Leiden: Brill (c. 130,000 words, peer-review completed, open access publication forthcoming June 2021).


      in preparation:

(co-authored with Konrad Hirschler) The Books of Burhān al-Dīn. Literacy and Book Ownership in Mamluk Jerusalem, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press (c. 90,000 words, contract signed for open access publication in 2022).


Journal Articles (peer reviewed)

وثيقة جديدة عن نقل العلم في التاريخ الإسلامي تحقيق أوراق السّماع لسنن الدّارقطني.

A New Document on the Transmission of Knowledge in Islamic history an Edition of the Preliminary samāʿ List on the Sunan by al-Dāraquṭnī. Journal of College of Sharia and Islamic studies 38 (2021), p. 18- 75.


الوِراقة في دمشق من القرن الرابع الهجريّ حتى القرن الرابع عشر الهجريّ. مجلة الخزانة، ع 7، س 4 (آذار 2020م). 247- 306.

‘Paper-making in Damascus from the fourth century until the fourteenth century (Hijri calendar)’. Al-Khizanah (Iraq) 7, (2020), 247-306.


دلالات المصطلحات الواردة في مجالس السماع والقراءة في المخطوطات العربية.

‘The meanings of the terms used in transmission notes in Arabic Manuscripts’. Journal of Islamic Manuscripts (Leiden) 11 (2020) 106-132.

قيد تفريغ الكتب نسخًا ومعارضة في مخطوطات علم الحديث في القرون من الخامس حتى السابع الهجرية

‘The function of completion and collation notes in manuscripts of hadith fifth to seventh centuries (Hijri calendar)’. Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 10 (2019), 245-268.

صور الإجازات المنقولة في المخطوطات العربية: السبب، والوظيفة

‘Coped transmission notes in Arabic manuscripts: origin and function. Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 9 (2018), 72-100.


مسرد كتب مدرسة محمد باشا العظم: نشر ودراسة

‘Catalogue of the books in the madrasa library of Muhammad Pasha al-Azm (18th century): Edition and Analysis’. Majallat Maʿhad al-makhṭūṭāt al-ʿarabīya/Journal of the Institute of Arabic Manuscripts 61:2 (2017), 10-73.

مكتبة الخانقاه السميساطية في دمشق خلال العهدين الأيوبي والمملوكي

‘The library in the Sufi lodge al-Sumaysatiyya in Damascus between the Ayyubid and Mamluk eras. Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 8:3 (2017), 343-376.

قراءة جديدة في فهارس قديمة (استخراج عناصر وصف مغفلة)

‘A new reading of historical library catalogues’. Majallat Maʿhad al-makhṭūṭāt al-ʿarabīya/Journal of the Institute of Arabic Manuscripts 59:2 (2015), 119-136.

الوراقة في دمشق في العصر الوسيط

‘Paper-making in Damascus in the Middle Ages’. Journal of Arabic Studies on Libraries and Information Science 3 (2010), 141-154.

الفهارس المخطوطة للمكتبات الإسلامية

‘Unpublished historical catalogues of Islamic libraries’, Turāthīyāt (Cairo) 14 (2009), pp. 9-75.


فهرست كتب خزانة التربة الأشرفية: دراسة وتحقيق ونشر

‘The library catalogue of the Ashrafīya Mausoleum: Study, Edition and Publication’, Turāthīyāt (Cairo) 12 (2008), 71-89.


Articles in Edited Volumes

تاريخ قبة المال، أو قبة عائشة، أو القبة الغربية أو قبة الخزنة في الجامع الأموي بدمشق

‘The history of the Qubbat al-māl (Qubbat al-khazna) in the Umayyad Mosque’, in: Arianna D´Ottone Rambach/Konrad Hirschler/Ronny Vollandt (eds), The Damascus Fragments Towards a History of the Qubbat al-Khazna Corpus of the Manuscripts and Documents. Beirut: Orient-Institut Beirut/Ergon Verlag, 2020, 53-74.


(with K. Hirschler): ‘Trading Fruits and Legumes on a Medieval Damascene Market: The Documentary and Archival Life Cycle of an Account Book from the Qubbat al-khazna (Şam Evrakları 13327)’, in: Hatice Aynur/Didar Bayır/Fatma Şen/Tuncay Zorlu (eds), Festschrift in Honour of Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu for his 75th Birthday, Istanbul 2021, 51-88.


Digital Publication

فهارس المكتبات الإسلامية من نهاية القرن السابع الهجري وحتى نهاية القرن الثالث عشر الهجري

Catalogues of Islamic libraries from the end of the 7th century AH to the end of the 13th century (hijri). Riyadh: al-Obeikan Foundation, 2017.


Conferences contributions

مكتبة الخانقاه السميساطية بدمشق خلال العهدين الأيوبي والمملوكي

The library of the Sufi lodge al-Sumaysatiyya in Damascus during the Ayyubid and Mamluk eras, 11th Conference of the Committee of Islamic Manuscripts: Sufism and Islamic Manuscript Heritage, Magdalene College, University of Cambridge, September 13th-15th 2016.


الدفتر المجدد لكتب وقف عثمان باشا الدُّورِكي على المدرسة العثمانية الرضائية في حلب في القرن التاسع عشر

The register of books endowed by Uthman Pasha al-Duraki to the Madrasa Uthmaniyya Rida'iyya in Aleppo in the 19th century, 10th International Conference of the History of Greater Syria: The Ottoman Reforms (Tanzimat) and their application in Greater Syria in the 19th century, Centre of Documents and Manuscripts at Jordan University, April 3rd 2017.

تاريخ قبة المال، أو قبة عائشة، أو القبة الغربية في الجامع الأموي بدمشق

History of the Qubbat al-khazna in Umayyad Mosque in Damascus. Conference Manuscript Cultures in Medieval Syria towards a history of the Qubbat al-khazna depository in Damascus. Freie Universität Berlin, 2018.


الوراقة في دمشق في القرن التاسع عشر ومطلع العشرين

The Craft of Paper-Making in Damascus at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, workshop Damascene Libraries and Book Trade in the 19th Century, Orient-Institute Beirut, 1 April 2019.


قاعدة بيانات طباق السماع المرقونة على المخطوطات المحفوظة في المكتبة الوطنية بدمشق

The ijaza database and the manuscripts in the National Library in Damascus, workshop The Potential of Manuscripts held in Damascus: Towards New Perspectives of Academic Research, Orient-Institute Beirut, 11th/12th November 2019.

تأريخ مكتبة الملا عثمان الكردي بدمشق اعتماداً على خوارج مخطوطاتها. في يوم علمي بعنوان "مكتبات الشام ومصر في العصرين المملوكي والعثماني من خلال خوارج المخطوطات والوثائق". القاهرة، معهد المخطوطات العربية، 5/ أكتوبر/ 2020.

Writing the history of the library of al-Mulā ‘Uthmān al-Kurdī in Damaskus through the manuscript notes of its manuscripts, workshop The Libraries of Syria and Egypt in the Mamluk and Ottoman Periods through the manuscript notes and the documents, Cairo, Institute of Arabic Manuscripts, October 5th 2020.

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