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ISRAEL AND PALESTINE: POSITIONS AND PERSPECTIVES | A conversation with Muriel Asseburg and Peter Lintl (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik)

Jan 28, 2025 | 06:00 PM

Since October 2023, the Middle East conflict has escalated on the ground in an unprecedented way, with noticeable repercussions in German society. Writing these lines, we do not yet know what the situation will be like on the date of our event, January 28, a week after the inauguration of US-President Trump. What is certain, is that this conflict has a much longer history, and that a peaceful settlement or even sustainable de-escalation will necessitate an active involvement of international actors.

In this conversation, we will hear from two eminent experts on Israel and Palestine from the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP). They will assess the current political positions surrounding the conflict, both within Israel and Palestine, as well as the roles played by international actors, not least the German government. Together, we will explore potential future scenarios and perspectives, beginning with introductory statements from our guests, followed by a discussion between them, to then open up for a general discussion.

Dr. Muriel Asseburg is a Senior Fellow in the Africa and Middle East division of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) in Berlin. Her current research is focused on conflict dynamics and peace-making in the Levant (Israel/Palestine and Syria, in particular); German, European and US Middle East policies; as well as questions of state building, political reform and security in the Eastern Mediterranean. She is also the co-chair of SWP’s thematic working group on ‘The challenge of autocratisation for Germany and Europe’. Asseburg studied political science, international law and economics at Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich where she obtained a Ph.D. in 2000. She has also lived, studied, and worked in the USA, Israel/Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon. Her latest publication (in German): Muriel Asseburg/Jan Busse Der Nahostkonflikt: Geschichte, Positionen, Perspektiven. München: C.H.Beck, 2024, 12th updated edition.

Dr. Peter Lintl is a researcher in the Africa and Middle East Research Group at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP). From 2016-2022, he headed the research project ‘Israel in a conflict-ridden regional and global environment: internal developments, security policy and foreign relations’. His current research focuses on the Israel-Palestinian and regional conflict, Israeli domestic politics, German-Israeli relations and framings of the conflict. His most recent publication is Israelische Charedim und politische Moderne Herausforderungen einer orthodoxen Strömung in einer detraditionalisierten Welt. Springer, 2024.

Time & Location

Jan 28, 2025 | 06:00 PM

Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies
Hittorfstr. 18
14195 Berlin

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