The Manual for Teaching and Learning Young Avestan (by Dr. Alberto Cantera and Dr. Céline Redard) is now avaiable in English
News from Dec 11, 2023
Cantera, Alberto / Redard, Céline
An Introduction to Young Avestan: A Manual for Teaching and Learning
Translated from French into English by Richard Tahmaseb Niroumand
The present manual aims to provide a tool for facilitating the teaching of Young Avestan but keeps in mind also the possibility of self-learning since Avestan is not well-represented in the actual academic landscape. It includes a progressive presentation of the complex phonetic evolutions that are very characteristic of the Avestan language as a consequence of the evolution of the recitation until its fixation (6th cent. CE) and also of the Avestan grammar, complemented with exercises including samples of original texts of increasing difficulty. In each lesson, one text is reproduced in a manuscript, introducing the students to the direct work with manuscripts.
Please check the link below for more information: