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Ruken Calistiran Karabat

Ruken Calistiran Karabat

PhD Candidate

Thesis Title: Epic Hero Typology of Four Kurdish Oral Epics

This study explores the typology of heroes in four Kurdish oral epics, with a particular focus on the dengbêj tradition in the performance and transmission of epics.

It analyzes four Kurdish epics, each in three variants, to identify recurring themes in hero characterizations using the Traditional Hero Pattern framework. The temporal order of events in the epics and their textual and structural consistency will be examined through comparative analysis. Thus, through structural and cross-textual methods, this thesis aim to determine whether a common central hero archetype unique to these four Kurdish epics exists. Based on the results obtained, a hero pattern model will be developed for these four Kurdish oral epics.

The findings will contribute to the understanding of both shared and distinct motifs in Kurdish oral epics. This study also aims to contribute of future research on the comprehensive typology of epics.