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The 9th Ratanbai Katrak Lectures on Zoroastrianism: 'With which Yasna shall I worship you’ (kana θβąm yasna yazāne)? delivered by Prof. Alberto Cantera



News from Oct 16, 2023

We would like to draw your attention to The 9th Ratanbai Katrak Lectures on Zoroastrianism: 'With which Yasna shall I worship you’ (kana θβąm yasna yazāne)?  delivered by Prof. Alberto Cantera 101 years after the inauguration of the Ratanbai Katrak Lecturership at the University of Oxford and cordially invite you to attend:


19 October 2023, 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Lecture 4: ‘The Satisfaction of the yazata’ and ‘The Blessing of the ratus’: On the Zoroastrian Long Liturgies


26 October 2023, 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Lecture 5: Ritual and Revelation: The Complex Liturgies Based on the Visperad Time


2 November 2023, 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Lecture 6: Turning the Tables: From the daēnā to the Dēnkard


Please find further information at https://www.ames.ox.ac.uk/article/9th-ratanbai-katrak-lectures.


These lectures will also stream on Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81728008051. Contact: yuhan.vevaina@ames.ox.ac.uk

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