Dr. Carlos Fraenkel

McGill University
Department of Philosophy and Jewish Studies
Carlos Fraenkel is an associate professor at McGill University in Montréal, jointly appointed in the departments of philosophy and Jewish studies. He holds a William Dawson Scholarship (2004 to 2014) which is McGill’s equivalent to a Junior Canada Research Chair. From October 2013 he will also take up an appointment at Oxford to teach philosophy and religion as the Professor of the Study of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. He held various visiting positions, including a semester at al-Quds University, the Palestinian University in Jerusalem, where he co-taught a seminar with Sari Nusseibeh in 2006. Fraenkel did most of his undergraduate and graduate work at the Freie Universität Berlin and The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, completing his PhD in 2000. He works on various issues spanning ancient philosophy, medieval philosophy (mainly Jewish and Islamic) and early modern philosophy (mainly Spinoza). He also has an interest in political philosophy, in particular in questions related to cultural difference, identity, and autonomy. His publications include two monographs: From Maimonides to Samuel ibn Tibbon: The Transformation of the Dalâlat al-Hâ’irîn into the Moreh ha-Nevukhim, Jerusalem: The Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2007 [Hebrew] and Philosophical Religions from Plato to Spinoza: Reason, Religion, and Autonomy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. For more information, please consult his website: www.carlosfraenkel.com