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The study regulations (Studienordnung) describe the objectives and contents of the MA program.

The examination regulations (Prüfungsordnung) define all examinations in the MA program as well as the terms and conditions for completing your MA degree.

The admission regulations (Zugangssatzung) determine the entry requirements and conditions of admission to the MA program.

Mind: Only the German versions of the text are legally binding. The English translations are a special service only. There is no guarantee that translations are correct and complete.

Code of Honour (Ehrenkodex)

In 2002, Freie Universität Berlin endorsed its own institutional ethics code for safeguarding good scientific practice (Ehrenkodex). This code applies to all members of our university - including its students. It specifies what is considered good and professional research practice and ethical conduct. It also outlines processes of how deal with possible cases of misconduct. As a research-oriented MA program, we understand it as our special responsibility to educate our students about good scientific practice and ethical conduct.

Code of Honour German version / English version