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Erasmus FAQs Outgoings

No, you don’t need a detailed plan for all the universities that you apply to. Make sure that your letter of motivation contains a detailed plan for your first choice. For your second and third choice, an outline should suffice.

Next, we will nominate you at the partner university. Don’t expect an immediate answer – most universities will take longer to respond than the FU and some even accept nominations until June 15th. When the deadline closes, your partner university will contact you for further information, such as a certificate of matriculation, a copy of your passport or ID, and certificates of language proficiency. You must share these documents with your University. For the most part, you will be sending these documents over a secure Internet portal. Afterwards, if you haven’t already, you will need to get traveler’s health insurance and ensure that you have lodging and sufficient financial resources to provide for yourself.

Think about which space you feel less interested in and please let the program know, so another student has the chance to go abroad and your spot doesn’t go unused.

All Erasmus students must confirm their course of study through the binding learning agreement. Please only use the new form and fill it out providing course numbers, names, the relevant number of ECTS, the link to the course catalogue and all other important details. To ensure that the FU recognizes your credits, include your module information into the table B. Ask the coordinator at the partner university to sign the form, and then send it as a scanned document in an email to the coordinator at the FMI (either Prof. Dr. Geus or Prof. Dr. Arnd Bauerkämper). With their signature, the coordinators will automatically confirm that the credits you receive abroad will count towards your History Major. For other majors, please check with your departments’ coordinators. Once the learning agreement has been signed, you will receive a copy of it in the mail. The original will be held in the central office of the Erasmus program.


Please make sure you abide by the deadline for the learning agreement! It is not a problem to change the agreement later (see the next question).

Don’t worry! Just look for an alternative! You can revise your learning agreement or make a new one and have your ERASMUS coordinator approve it for you. The rest of the process is just like creating a normal learning agreement. You can update your learning agreement anytime.

After you have returned, you should make an appointment with your FMI ERASMUS coordinator. Please bring your Transcript of Record (which you will have received from your partner university) as well as the form (or rather the forms if you took multiple seminars). All courses listed in your learning agreement and approved by your ERASMUS coordinator can count towards your History Major. The most important point here is that the workload of the class you took abroad (hours per week, assignments, exams, papers…) is roughly equivalent to that of the respective class offered by the FMI - this does however not mean that they have to be identical. After your coordinator has approved which courses can be transferred into the FU system, he will hand you the signed and stamped form. In a next step, you will then have to take the form as well as your ToR (original document) to the Examination Office at the Department of History and Cultural Studies. The ERASMUS coordinators themselves are not able to enter your grades into the Campus Management System because each lecturer only has access to his or her courses.