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Professor Dr Pascal Arnaud

Pascal Arnaud

Freie Universität Berlin

Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut

Historische Geographie des antiken Mittelmeerraumes

Koserstraße 20
14195 Berlin

Pascal Arnaud is an ancient historian, philologist and geographer, as well as an ar­chae­ologist. He has been a student at Ecole Normale Supérieure and a Fellow at Ecole Fran­çaise de Rome. He earned his PhD at the Sorbonne in 1984, and his habilitation in 1991. He was appointed as­sociate professor at Bordeaux in 1985, and full professor of Ro­man History and archaeo­logy at Nice in 1992. Since 2010 he is full professor of Ro­man History at Lyon2. He has been a junior fellow (1996–2001) and senior fellow (2008–2013 and 2013–2018) at Institut Univer­si­taire de France, and Tytus Fellow at Cin­cinnati (2007, 2011). He has been at long involved in university and research ma­n­a­gement, has been vice-president of University of Nice, and has just re­signed from his po­sition as head of the SSH department at Agence Nationale de la Re­cherche. Arnaud has worked on the Roman and Parthian Near East, and works on ancient geo­graphical knowledge. Since the early 90’s, he has become a specialist of an­cient seafaring, travel and trade. He is also interested in the organization of Roman cities and in spatial ar­chaeo­logy. Up to now he has published ten books and one hun­dred fifty papers and ar­tic­les. Ar­naud’s most recent book is on ancient sailing routes (Les routes de la navi­ga­tion antique: iti­néraires en Méditerranée). He is cur­rent­ly doing finishing touches on a commented and trans­lated edition of the ano­nymous Sta­dias­mus Maris Magni.