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Dr Kurt Guckelsberger

Freie Universität Berlin

Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut

Historische Geographie des antiken Mittelmeerraumes

Koserstraße 20
14195 Berlin

Kurt Guckelsberger studied Physics and Astrophysics at the Ludwig-Maximilian Uni­ver­sity and Technical University Munich (degree in Experimental Physics 1967). He earned his Doctorate-es-Sciences Physiques at the University in Grenoble in 1973 with studies on quan­tum-physical effects in solids at very low temperatures. After spending four years as Senior Fellow at CERN, Geneva, working on Polarized Targets for spin-dy­namics of Ele­mentary Particles and a brief return to Grenoble, he joined a research pro­gram into Lithium-ion bat­te­ries at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Re­search, Stuttgart. In 1980, he entered the Physikalisch-Tech­nische Bundesanstalt in Braun­schweig (PTB) where he re­mained until re­tire­ment in 2006, publishing 62 scien­ti­fic papers. After performing several inter­national col­la­bo­rative stu­dies on fun­da­men­tal properties of strongly interacting Quantum Liquids, he joined in 1997 the Pre­si­den­tial Staff and was German project leader in a number of European and in­ter­national me­trological collaborations, while establishing 'Internet-Applications for Metro­logy' at PTB. In 2006-2008 he joined for 3 semesters a Masters Pro­gram “Die Kultur der tech­nisch-wis­senschaftlichen Welt” at the Historische Seminar of the Tech­nische Uni­ver­si­tät Braunschweig. Since 2009 he is working on a projected internet-based modern edi­tion of ro­man itine­raries with emphasis on the Cosmography of the anonymous geo­gra­pher from Ra­venna.