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Dr Anca Dan

Anca Dan

Freie Universität Berlin

Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut

Historische Geographie des antiken Mittelmeerraumes

Koserstraße 20
14195 Berlin

Anca Dan’s research is on the history of Greek and Roman representations of spaces and peoples and on their receptions. After her French PhD (2009), she was Onassis fellow in Athens (2010), DAI fellow in Topoi I (2011–2012) and visiting fellow in the CHS Harvard (2012–2013). Since 2012, she has taken up a permenant post as re­sear­cher in AOROC (CNRS-ENS Pa­ris, Labex TransferS) and has worked on the histo­ri­cal geography and ethnicity of the Black Sea and Asia Minor. She also con­tinues the col­laboration with Klaus Geus’ research group ‘Common Sense Geography’ in TOPOI II.