II. Auditory Knowledge in Science: Listening in the Laboratory
Amsterdam, October 10-11, 2014
Since the mid-nineteenth century, hearing and listening in the laboratory have been the subject of scientific inquiry. However, in the case of hearing/listening, laboratory conditions can only be established to a certain extent, for that which is heard is always determined by concrete historical and cultural conditions. This initially represented an obstacle for scientific research on hearing/listening; in the meantime, however, science has discovered possibilities for integrating hearing/listening into research situations that focus on completely different objects. In this workshop, the network discussed, on the one hand, the development of concrete scientific cultures of hearing/listening in the laboratory, and on the other, the intertwining of laboratory research with the cultural history of hearing/listening outside of the laboratory.
On Friday, 10 Oct., 4 pm, a public lecture by Karin Bijsterveld (Maastricht University) on "Hearing Collectives at the Stasi. Eavesdropping and Sonic Ways of Knowing" opened the meeting at the Universiteitsbibliotheek (Potgieterzaal, Singel 425, 1012WP Amsterdam).
On Saturday, 11 Oct., an internal workshop was held with Karin Bijsterveld (Maastricht University), Carolyn Birdsall (University of Amsterdam) and Daniel Gethmann (TU Graz).
Organizers: Julia Kursell, Alexandra Hui, Axel Volmar
Here you can find a few images of the workshop.