M.A. Lukas Keller
since 2012
Ph.D. candidate at the Joint Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program „Human Rights Under Pressure“ | Freie Universität Berlin / Hebrew University Jerusalem (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Arnd Bauerkämper)
- 2006-2010
M.A. in East European Studies with a focus on History at the Institute for East Europe Studies at Freie Universität Berlin; Thesis title: „Quellen und Ziele von Putins ‚Reichsidee’ – Geschichtspolitik im Zeichen der ‚souveränen Demokratie’“ - 2002-2006
B.A. in Histoire générale / Langue, littérature et civilisation russes / Littérature allemande at the University of Geneva (Switzerland)
Thesis: "Das Britischen Commonwealth im Ersten Weltkrieg"
Professional Experience
- 2008
Internship with the interdisciplinary journal „Osteuropa“.
freelance research on Soviet cultural history (Institute for East Europe Studies, Freie Universität Berlin) - 2007
freelance research on the Russian Middleages at (division for the History of East Europe at the Institute for East Europe Studies, Freie Universität Berlin) - 2006 – 2010
Student representative at the institute council of the Institute for East Europe Studies, Frein Universität Berlin - 1999 – 2007
freelance Journalist for a local Swiss newspaper, including an internship with the editorial board
Research Interests
- history of the First World War
- history of East Europe
- history of Gouvernmentality
Dissertaion Project
1914 – 1918: Enemy Aliens and Dissidents during the German Empire. A Study on Politics, Security and Liberty during the First World War.
- Geschichte der Gouvernementalität
- Geschichte des Ersten Weltkrieges
- Osteuropäische Geschichte