Jana Bruggmann M.A.

The Future in the Stars: European Astrofuturism and Extraterrestrial Life in the 20th Century
Emmy Noether Research Group
Research Assistant
Modern European History
Koserstrasse 20
D-14195 Berlin
D-14195 Berlin
2013- | Research Associate, Emmy Noether Research Group “The Future in the Stars: European Astroculture and Extraterrestrial Life in the 20th Century”, Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin |
2012-2013 | Scientific Assistant, Kunsthaus Zug |
2011-2012 | Internship, Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zurich |
2010-2011 | Internship, Verein Segantini Unlimited, Maloja |
2009-2011 | Master of Arts in Art Education with a specialization in Curating and Museum Education, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Zurich |
2006-2009 | Bachelor of Arts in Art and Design Education, Hochschule Luzern Design & Kunst, Lucerne |
Research Interests
- Visual History
- Space History
- History of Science
- Transhumanism
- History of Exhibitions and Curatorial Studies
Research Projects
- The Earth from Space: The Making of a Cosmic View in Germany and France in the First Half of the Twentieth Century (PhD Project)
Conferences Organized
- Berliner Welträume im 20. Jahrhundert. Freie Universität Berlin (with Tilmann Siebeneichner), 30.03.2015
- Exhibition review: Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Outer Space: Faszination Weltraum, Bonn 03.10.2014 – 22.02.2015, in: H-Soz-Kult (17.01.2015) [web/pdf]
- Review: Sonja A. J. Neef, Henry Sussman, Dietrich Boschung (Hg.): Astroculture: Figurations of Cosmology in Media and Arts, München 2014, in: rezensionen:kommunikation:medien (17.11.2014) [web]
- Berliner Welträume im 20. Jahrhundert: Ein Interview mit Jana Bruggmann und Tilmann Siebeneichner, in: Zeitgeschichte-online (März 2016). [web]
- Participation in the conception and organisation of the „Diskursive_1“ (discussion platform), Kunsthalle Luzern, Lucerne, 2013 and „Diskursive_2“, Tat-Ort, Lucerne, 2014.
- Co-Director of the Pavillon Tribschenhorn (independent exhibition space), Lucerne, 2011-12.
- Art education at the exhibition „Robert Bösch – SegantiniLand“, Maloja, 2010.
- Artistic Direction of the exhibition series „Re-Re-Act!“, Erfrischungsraum Luzern, Lucerne, 2009.
- "Studentenfutter": Development and implementation of educational programms for students at Kunstmuseum Luzern, Lucerne, 2008-09.