Natalija Majsova M.A.

The Future in the Stars: European Astroculture and extraterrestrial Life in the 20th Century
Emmy Noether Research Group
Visiting Scholar
Modern European History
D-14195 Berlin
Natalija Majsova is a third year PhD candidate at the University of Ljubljana (Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Cultural Studies). She also works as a researcher at the Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies, and a Teaching Assistant at the Department of Cultural studies. She has a Master's degree in Cultural Studies and a Bachelor's degree in International relations. Her PhD dissertation is entitled "Outer Space in Contemporary Russian Film". It examines the topology, narratives, and imagery of outer space (kosmos) in Russian film of the past decade (2001–2011) from the perspective of Bakhtinian Cultural Studies, underscoring the polyphony of various discourses and images that constitute kosmos in Russian film today, rather than focusing on the infamous ideology of (post)Soviet outer spatial conquest. The project thus situates cultural conceptions of outer space within the social relations of power, placing them at the crossroads of the politics of memory and historiography, modes of production, and cultural cosmology, proposing a novel methodological framework for cultural studies of outer space. Natalija Majsova is a junior member of the COST working group In Search of Transcultural Memory and collaborates with the Cultural Centre for European Space Technologies in Vitanje, Slovenia. From April until the end of May 2014 she is a visiting scholar at the Emmy Noether Research Group "The Future in the Stars."