Dr. Gabriele Jancke
Historian; specializing in early modern history, gender history, and historical anthropology; member of the DFG-research group “Self-narratives in transcultural perspective” from 2004; visiting scholar at Vienna University and at University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; among her publications are: Autobiographie als soziale Praxis. Beziehungskonzepte in Selbstzeugnissen des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts im deutschsprachigen Raum (Selbstzeugnisse der Neuzeit 10), Köln/Weimar/Wien: Böhlau 2002; she co-edited (with Claudia Ulbrich) Vom Individuum zur Person. Neue Konzepte im Spannungsfeld zwischen Autobiographietheorie und Selbstzeugnisforschung (Querelles 10), Göttingen: Wallstein 2005; co-editor (with Andreas Bähr and Peter Burschel) of Räume des Selbst. Selbstzeugnisse transkulturell (Selbstzeugnisse der Neuzeit 19), Köln/Weimar/Wien 2007; many articles on early modern autobiographical writing, focusing on contexts as well as on methodological and theoretical issues.
Research Areas:
self-narratives in transcultural perspective, scholars’ culture, patronage, Jewish history, convents, ritualized ways of life, hospitality