M.A. Sina Isabell Becker

Research Associate, Lexicography
Ägyptologisches Seminar
Fabeckstr. 23-25
14195 Berlin, Germany
since 2009 University of Münster
Ph.D. Program in Coptology
Thesis: Rhetoric in Shenoute’s Canon 1, with a Translation and Commentary
Advisors: Prof. Dr. Stephen Emmel, Prof. Dr. Tonio Sebastian Richter
2003–2009 University of Münster
Master Program in Coptology, Egyptology, Classical Archeology
Magistra Artium (M.A.)
Thesis: Hints of Ancient Rhetoric in Shenoute’s Works “He Who Sits upon His
Throne” and “Remember, O Brethren” in Volume 6 of the Canons.
Advisors: Prof. Dr. Stephen Emmel, Prof. apl. Dr. Siegfried Richter
Professional Experience
since 2019 Research Assisstant: DDGLC-Project (Database and Dictionary of Greek Loanwords in Coptic), Freie Universität Berlin
2009–2011 Research Assistant: project “Publication of the Corpus of Shenoute (4th–5th centuries C.E.), internet-based (diplomatic edition of the manuscripts) and printed (critical edition of the works)”, Universität Münster
2008–2009 Student Assistant: project “Publication of the Corpus of Shenoute (4th–5th centuries C.E.), internet-based (diplomatic edition of the manuscripts) and printed (critical edition of the works)”, Universität Münster
2005–2009 Student Assistant of Stephen Emmel, Professor for Coptology, Institute for Egyptology and Coptology, University of Münster
Academic awards and stipends
2013 Stipend from the Brigitte and Martin Krause-Foundation
2012 Stipend from the Gertrud und Alexander Böhlig-Foundation
2012 Award for Academic Excellence awarded by the International Association of Coptic Studies (IACS) rewarding the best MA thesis
2000 Stipend of the Deutsche Bundestag for the Congress–Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX)