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Gertrud Bauer Zettelkasten Online



In summer 2010, Professor Peter Nagel of Bonn forwarded seven cardboard boxes full of lexicographical slips to the DDGLC office, which had been handed over to him in the early '90s by the late Professor Alexander Böhlig. Thanks to funding from the Gertrud-und-AlexanderBöhlig Stiftung, it was possible to inspect the content of the boxes, and to re-establish the original order of the lexicographical slips and their internal hierarchical structure.

Soon, it became clear that these slips constitute a thorough lexicographical compilation of about 15.000 attestations (tokens) of almost 150 types of Greek prepositions, conjunctions and particles in Coptic, from virtually all Coptic dialects and types of texts, arranged on the basis of a detailed analysis of their semantic and syntactic properties. It is the work of Dr. Gertrud Bauer from Tuebingen. Her work on borrowed function words was so far manifest in her Konkordanz der nichtflektierten griechischen Wörter im bohairischen Neuen Testament, Göttinger Orientforschungen VI/6, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1975, the tip of the iceberg as we know now. The huge collection of lexicographical slips underlying this publication was produced in the '70s and '80s for Prof. Alexander Böhlig's loanword project at the University of Tuebingen. Dr. Bauer has kindly permitted us to make any use of her work. The original slips have been scanned and slotted into a database replicating the hierarchical structure of the original compilation. It is our pleasure to provide a new lexicographical tool to our colleagues in Coptology, Classical Studies, and Linguistics, and other interested parties.


The development of the Gertrud Bauer Zettelkasten Online was funded 2010 – 2015 by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and Gertrud-und-Alexander-Böhlig-Stiftung.

Database programming: Maximilian Möller B.A. and Katrin John M.A. Preparatory work: Katrin John M.A. in cooperation with Jenny Böttinger B.A., Claudia Gamma M.A., Tami Gottschalk M.A., Josephine Hensel M.A., Mariana Jung M.A., Dr. Christina Katsikadeli, Lena Krastel M.A., Elen Saif B.A.

Special thanks go to Dr. Gertrud Bauer the admirable author of the Zettelkasten, and Prof. Dr. Dr. Peter Nagel who took care for the preservation and publication of a valuable piece of scholarship. Gertrud- und AlexanderBöhlig-Stiftung