Dr. Strahil V. Panayotov
Freie Universität Berlin
BabMed - Babylonian Medicine
PostDoc Researcher until 06/2018
Fabeckstraße 23/25 (Holzlaube)
Room 0.1008
14195 Berlin
Room 0.1008
14195 Berlin
Strahil V. Panayotov studied Assyriology, Egyptology and Near Eastern Archaeology in Heidelberg. During that time he also spent time at the University of Toronto (Canada) and TOPOI Excellence Cluster at Freie Universität Berlin. His MA and PhD work was funded in part by the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes and a travel grant from the Graduate Academy of the Heidelberg University. His PhD dealt with the Mesopotamian material scribal culture as a communication medium. He is currently investigating Mesopotamian texts concerned with the diseases of the head, in particular the eyes.
For a list of publications please see: http://fu-berlin.academia.edu/StrahilPanayotov