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Eva Kiesele

Researcher, Jewish Studies until 06/2018

Fabeckstraße 23/25 (Holzlaube)
Room R 0.1010
14195 Berlin

Eva Kiesele completed a BA in Judaic Studies at Freie Universität Berlin and then moved on to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for three years in order to deepen her studies of rabbinic literature. The same period also saw her working for the “Middle Persian Dictionary Project” of Prof. Shaul Shaked, and as a collaborator in a research project on a previously unedited Zoroastrian legal text. Subsequently, she completed an MA in Religion at Princeton University. During the academic year of 2015/16, Eva was a fellow in Jewish Law and Legal Theory at Cardozo Law School, NYC, approaching rabbinic law from the perspective of comparative jurisprudence. She is currently working on a dissertation tentatively entitled “The Event of Language. Speech, Thought, and Writing in the Rabbis.”

Publications: https://fu-berlin.academia.edu/EvaKiesele