Workshop"The Visual Scribe: Tables and Diagrams in Middle Eastern Manuscripts"
The project Zodiac - Ancient Astral Science in Transformation (ERC) at the Institute for the History of Knowledge in the Ancient World, Freie Universität Berlin, is hosting a workshop in cooperation with IAS - Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton, 10–11 April 2025:
The Visual Scribe: Tables and Diagrams in Middle Eastern Manuscripts
Freie Universität Berlin
Fabeckstr. 23-25, room 2.2058
14195 Berlin
Conveners: Sonja Brentjes (Independent Scholar), Mathieu Ossendrijver (ERC project ZODIAC - Ancient Astral Science in Transformation, Freie Universität Berlin), Sabine Schmidtke (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton), George A. Kiraz (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)
Since places may be limited, we ask anyone interested in attending to RSVP before 1 April by writing to and providing your full name, country of residence, and affiliation (if any), and indicate whether you want to attend in person or remotely.
The workshop will provide a platform to delve into the rich tradition of tables and diagrams in Middle Eastern manuscripts. We will examine various aspects of these visual representations, including their historical contexts, symbolic meanings, cultural significance, and methodological approaches.
Topics of interest include the evolution of tables and diagrams, analysis of specific types of tables and diagrams (e.g., genealogical tables, astronomical diagrams, geometric patterns, tabular data), comparative studies across different manuscript traditions, the role of tables and diagrams in knowledge transmission and dissemination, digital tools and techniques for analyzing and reconstructing tables and diagrams. This across-discipline workshop aims to cover manuscripts in various languages, including, but not limited to, Arabic, Armenian, Coptic, Ethiopian*, Hebrew, Persian, and Syriac, in addition to the ancient languages of Egypt and Mesopotamia.
The program will be soon available for download.
April 10
Majlis 1 [Babylonian, Sanskrit], Chair: J. Cale Johnson
9:15 Opening
9:45 Visual aspects of tabular texts in Babylonian Mathematical Astronomy
Mathieu Ossendrijver, Freie Universität Berlin
Alessia Pilloni, Freie Universität Berlin
10:15 Diagrams in Sanskrit mathematical and astronomical works translated from Arabic and Persian at the court of Savaī Jai Singh II (1689 – 1743)
Jean Michel Delire, University of Brussels
10:45 Break
Majlis 2 [Arabic, Islamic I]
11:15 A Sufi Gestaltpsychologie? Diagrams of nafs in the Manuscripts of Ibrāhīm al-Qirīmī (d. 1593)
Mykhaylo Yakubovych, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
11:45 Strings, Lines, and Circles: Diagramming Musical Pitch and Perception in the Treatises of Ṣafī al-Dīn al-Urmawī
Hallie Voulgaris, Yale University, Department of Music
12:15 Historiographical musings on the Taḥrīr Uṣūl Uqlīdis of Muḥyi al-Dīn al-Maghribī and its geometrical diagrams: An application of cladistic analysis
Gregg De Young, Department of Mathematics and Actuarial Science, The American Univ. in Cairo
12:45 LUNCH
Majlis 3 [Hebrew, Greek], Chair: Reimund Leicht
14:15 How to use and where to place a geometrical diagram? The case study of Ḥibbur ha-Meshiḥah ve-ha-Tishboret – on various copies, translations and critical editions
Michael Friedman, Mathematisches Institut der Universität Bonn
14:45 From the West and the East:
“Tree of Porphyry” Diagrams in Hebrew Manuscripts
Sivan Gottlieb, Department of Semitic Studies, University of Granada, Spain
15:15 Tables and Diagrams in Greek Mathematical Papyri
Julia Lougovaya, Universität Heidelberg
15:45 BREAK
Majlis 4 [Arabic, Islamic II]
16:15 Visualizing Verified Knowledge: Genealogical Charts in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century North Africa
Natalie Kraneiß, University of Münster, Germany
16:45 The Arabic Manuscript of Dioscorides’ Materia Medica in the University Library of Bologna: The Dialogue between Plants and Text
Valentina Sagaria Rossi, University of Rome Tor Vergata
17:15 Zoom: “Visual Idioms” in Islamicate Astronomy (ʿilm al-hayʾa) Diagrams
Scott Trigg, Affiliated Researcher Observatoire de Paris-PSL
17:45 Reception
April 11
Majlis 5 [Arabic, Islamic III]
9:15 Graphing the Cosmos: The Astronomical Illustrations of Ṭūsī’s Risāla-yi Muʿīnīya
Kaveh Niazi
9:45 Healing Figures: Avicenna's Geometry and Arithmetic
Hassan Amini, IMT School of Advanced Studies, Lucca
Germano Gorga, IMT School of Advanced Studies, Lucca
10:15 “Popular art” and the Muḥammad Reality: the “Millstone of the spiritual energy”. A diagram from Qandūsī (d. 1861, Fez).
Francesco Chiabotti, INALCO-CERMOM
10:45 Break
Majlis 6 [Syriac, Ethiopic], Chair: Shabo Talay
11:15 Sergius of Reshaina, Proba, and the Tradition of Presentation of Philosophical Divisions and Definitions in the Diagram Form
11:45 Tables and Diagrams in Christian Ethiopia and Eritrea
Daria Elagina, University of Münster
Augustine Dickinson, University of Münster
12:15 Astronomical Diagrams accompanying the Book of Enoch in two Ethiopic Manuscripts
Yiqing LI, Freie Universität Berlin
12:45 LUNCH
Majlis 7 [Armenian, Arabic/Islamic IV]
14:15 Zodiac Man in Armenian Tradition
Anush Sargsyan, Matenadaran: Mesrop Mashtots Scientific Research Institute of Ancient Manuscripts, The Department Studies the Scriptoria
14:45 User-Friendliness in Islamicate Zijes: A Comparative Study of Planetary Latitude Tables
Mostafa Yavari, University of Tehran, Institute for the History of Science, Tehran, Iran
15:15 Diagrams of the Two Planetary Equations in the Ninth Book of the Almagest: Insights from Arabic Medieval Manuscripts
Maryam Zamani, Independent Researcher
15:45 Break
Majlis 8 [Digital Humanities], Chair: Christian Casey
16:15 Manuscript to Digital: Records of Mapping Knowledge of Anatomy in Middle Eastern Manuscripts Project
Mohammad Golshan, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)
16:45 Colors of stars in pre-modern texts, tables, and drawings
Ralph Neuhäuser, Astrophysical Institute, University of Jena, Germany
17:15 Revealing the latent mathematics in historical horoscopes through a digital reconstruction method
Pouyan Shahidi, Indiana University, Bloomington
17:45 Conference Dinner