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6.-7. November 2023, RFE-Nadiv Research Network (U. Tübingen, UCL, Freie Universität Berlin): Online-conference on the transfer of knowledge in ancient to medieval traditions

News vom 01.11.2023

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Markham J. Geller, UCL and team: Online-conference on the transfer of knowledge in ancient to medieval traditions

The event is co-sponsored by the Collaborative Research Center, SFB 1391 ‘Andere Ästhetik/Different Aesthetics’, research group B8 (‘Ästhetik narrativer Rechtskommunikation im Koran und im vormodernen Islam‘), University of Tübingen; and the Institute of Jewish Studies, University College London.

Markham J. Geller, UCL, founding professor of Wissensgeschichte des Altertums at Freie Universität Berlin, invites to join the conference on Law, Religion and Sciences – rules, norms, and the transfer of knowledge in ancient to medieval traditions. The online event is co-convened as part of the research network Between Encyclopaedia and Epitome – Talmudic strategies of knowledge-making in the context of ancient medicine and sciences by the team at Institute of Jewish Studies, Univ. College of London and Lennart Lehmhaus, Univ. Tübingen, and will treat the impact of rules and norms from legal, religious and scientific standards on knowledge transfer frameworks.

A full program with all zoom links is available on the conference homepage.

This event is co-sponsored by the Collaborative Research Center, SFB 1391 ‘Andere Ästhetik/Different Aesthetics’, research group B8 (‘Ästhetik narrativer Rechtskommunikation im Koran und im vormodernen Islam‘), University of Tübingen; and the Institute of Jewish Studies, University College London.

Convenors: Markham J. Geller (University College London) and Lennart Lehmhaus (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen).

Monday November 6, 2023

4:30 – 6pm, Panel #1

Uri Gabbay (Hebrew University Jerusalem), 'Okimta' Interpretations in Akkadian commentaries and their relationship with Rabbinic Midrash.

Holger M. Zellentin (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen), Judging by the Torah and Judging by the Gospel – Moses and Jesus as Lawmakers in Judaism, Christianity and in the Qur’an.

6:30 – 8pm, Keynote lecture #1

Claire Bubb (ISAW/New York University, New York City), Medicine, Law, and the Social Contexts of Expert Knowledge in the Roman Empire.

Tuesday November 7, 2023

2:30 – 4 pm, Keynote lecture #2

Sebastian Schmidt-Hofner (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen), Why the first Roman codification project failed: The political and intellectual background to the Theodosian Code.

4:30 – 6pm, Panel #2

Iris Colditz (Ruhr Universität Bochum), How a Zoroastrian priest argues astronomical tables.

Jae H. Han (Brown University, Providence), The Apocalyptic Roots of Manichaean Empiricism.

6:30– 8pm, Panel #3

Lennart Lehmhaus (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen), “All Jew(s) Need to Know?” – the entanglement of law, lore and medical knowledge in Talmudic discourse.

Kate Tinson (Durham University, RELCOM project; Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen), Minority law, religion and leprosy: the case of Jews in Muslim lands in the Medieval Mediterranean.


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