Dr. Andreas Valentin
Ehemaliger Gastwissenschaftler
Ph.D. in Social History from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with a dissertation on George Huebner’s (1862-1935) early 20th century photography in the Amazon.
M.A. in Arts from Universidade Federal Fluminense.
B.A. in Art History and Cinema from Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania, USA.
Professor of Photography and Art History at State University of Rio de Janeiro and at Universidade Candido Mendes, Rio de Janeiro.
Currently doing post-doctoral research at the Kunsthistorisches Institut / Freie Universität Berlin, on a fellowship from CAPES Foundation, Brazilian Ministry of Education.
Studied and collaborated with Brazilian avant-garde artist Hélio Oiticica (1937-1980). In the 1970’s directed experimental Super8 films.
Between 1980 and 2000 photographed, researched, directed and produced documentaries in the Amazon. Wrote three books on the Amazon Parintins Boi-bumbá Festival and worked as production and direction assistant in Werner Herzog’s film “Fitzcarraldo”.
Member of the Brazilian Anthropology Association. In 2004 won its Pierre Verger Photography prize.
Photographer, researcher and writer, has held various one-man photography exhibits throughout Brazil, participated in group exhibits and works as a curator.
Member of photography projects selection commission,Centro Cultural Justiça Federal, Rio de Janeiro, 2013.
Lectures (selection)
“A produção artística na ditadura”, Universidade Candido Mendes, Rio de Janeiro, 2014.
“Hélio Oiticica: vida é obra”, Centro Cultural Correios, Rio de Janeiro, 2014.
“Jovens, fotografia e práticas contemporâneas”, Escola de Artes Visuais, Rio de Janeiro, 2013.
“A rivalidade dos Bois-bumbás de Parintins”, Reunião Brasileira de Antropologia, 2012.
“Adolescentes cariocas: retrato e autorretrato”, Reunião Brasileira de Antropologia, 2010.
“Nas asas da mariposa: a fotografia de José Oiticica Filho”, UNICAMP, Campinas, 2010.
Currently researching the work of Brazilian entomologist and photographer José Oiticica Filho (1906-1964), father of artist Hélio Oiticica (1937-1980). Making use of various techniques, such as photograms, luminograms, painting on film and light-sensitive paper, his work – still largely unknown – connects with the Brazilian concrete and neoconcrete production of that period as well with similar concepts in European, especially German photography of that period.
Other research interests: History of Photography, Visual Anthropology, Popular Culture, Youngsters and Photography Practices.
Links to recent works
Collaborative work with Hélio Oiticica and Thomas Valentin, 2014
Photo exhibit “desORDEM”, Centro Cultural Correios, Rio de Janeiro, June/August 2013:
Books published/organized
Call me Helium. Rio de Janeiro: Andreas Valentin, 2014. 96p .
A fotografia amazônica de George Huebner. Rio de Janeiro: Nau Editora, 2012.
(org.) Fotocine: a fotografia no cinema. Rio de Janeiro: A. Valentin, 2011. 96p
Saara Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro: Francisco Alves, 2009. 136p.
Contrários: a celebração da rivalidade dos Bois-bumbás de Parintins. Manaus: Editora Valer, 2005. 240p .
In collaboration with Cunha, Paulo J., Caprichoso a terra é azul. Rio de Janeiro: A. Valentin, 1999. 248p. and Vermelho um pessoal Garantido. Manaus: A. Valentin, 1998. 188p .
Book chapter
“The Kroehle Huebner Photo Collection”, in FISCHER, Manuela, KRAUS, Michael, Exploring the Archive. Historical Photography from Latin America The Collection of the Ethnologisches Museum Berlin.
Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2015
Articles (selection)
George Huebner e Theodor Koch-Grünberg: Diálogos na Amazônia, 1905-1924. Candelária (Rio de Janeiro), v. 10, p. 1, 2009.
La Jetée e Memento: lembrar para esquecer. Studium (UNICAMP), v. 29, p. 1, 2009.
Do moderno ao selvagem: a fotografia amazônica de George Huebner. Somanlu (UFAM), v. 7, p. 27-54, 2008.
O Índio na fotografia de George Huebner. Cadernos de Antropologia e Imagem (UERJ), v. 24, p. 65-78, 2007.
O boi-bumbá de Parintins: do moderno ao pós-moderno. Poiésis (Niterói), v. 7, p. 54, 2005.
A fotografia amazônica de George Huebner. Studium (UNICAMP), v. 17, p. 54, 2004.
Parintins: brincando com arte. Somanlu (UFAM), v. 2, p. 157-181, 2002.
Newspaper articles
Leve como o ar Rio/Nova York 1974. Folha de São Paulo / Ilustríssima, São Paulo, p. 9 - 9, 11 maio 2014.