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Vorträge 2021

Lexikographie und Wörterbucharbeit in der Semitistik


  • Werner Arnold (Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg): "Alphabetisch oder nach Wurzeln? Überlegungen zum Ordnen des Neuwestaramäischen"
  • Zafer Youssef (FU Berlin): "Korpusbasiertes Wörterbuch der syrisch-arabischen Dialekte - Bericht über den Stand"
  • Stephan Procházka (University of Vienna) & Karlheinz Mörth (ACDH-CH): "The VICAV Damascus dictionary: Compiling a multi-purpose digital dictionary"

Grammatical traditions in contact: Studies on the Arabic, Greek and Syriac traditions


  • Margherita Farina (CNRS): "Syriac metalinguistic terminology between 6th and 9th cent.: Some open issues"
  • Simona Olivieri (FU Berlin): "Assessing influences in the early Arabic linguistic tradition"
  • Nadia Vidro (University College London): "A book on Arabic inflexion according to the system of the Greeks: A lost work by Ḥunayn b. Isḥāq"

Arabic and Aramaic in Anatolia


  • Otto Jastrow (Tallinn University): "Periphery of the Periphery - Remarks on qǝltu-Arabic dialects of Anatolia"
  • Gabriel Biţună (University of Bucharest): "Siirti Arabic – A prolific Anatolian dialect"
  • Paul M. Noorlander (University of Cambridge): "Neo-Aramaic and Neo-Arabic dialects entangled in Southeastern Anatolia and Northwestern Mesopotamia"

Insubordination in Semitic Languages


  • Michael Waltisberg (Heidelberg University): "Assessing insubordination for Semitic linguistics"
  • Grace Park (FU Berlin): "Stand-alone nominalization in Biblical Hebrew and Biblical Aramaic"
  • Fabio Gasparini (FU Berlin): "Stand-alone nominalization in Modern South Arabian"

Jacob of Serugh and his reception in non-Syriac traditions


  • Tamara Pataridze (University of Louvain): "Crossing boundaries: The reception of Jacob of Serugh in Georgian milieus"
  • Andy Hilkens (Goethe University Frankfurt): "Jacob of Serugh in the Armenian tradition"
  • Ted Erho (LMU Munich): "Jacob of Serugh's homilies in medieval and modern Ethiopia"
  • Vasiliki Chamourgiotaki (FU Berlin): "The Arabic reception of Jacob of Serugh. A focus on the Sinaitic manuscripts"

Die Sprachpolitik der aramäischen/assyrischen Organisationen in Deutschland bezüglich des Neuaramäischen


  • Aziz Said (Berlin): "Die Position des Zentralverbands der Assyrischen Vereinigungen in Deutschland (ZAVD)"
  • Fadi Korkes (Würzburg): "Die Position der Föderation Suryoye Deutschland (HSA)"

Syriac and Aramaic Studies in the Digital Age


  • Anna-Simona Barbara Üzel (FU Berlin): "The first treatise of Bar Ṣalībī against the Nestorians"
  • Nikita Kuzin (FU Berlin): "Corpus and lexicography tools for the Ṭuroyo studies"
  • Nicolas Atas (FU Berlin): "The PoS-tagged Syriac Corpus of the GREgORI Project"

Romance languages and Maghrebi Arabic dialects in contact


  • Ángeles Vicente (University of Zaragoza): "The interaction between Spanish and Moroccan Arabic: A relationship of several centuries"
  • Veronika Ritt-Benmimoun (University of Vienna): "it-tǟlīfūn ysōni w-il-firšēṭa fi-l-kūžīna: Romance influence on the Tunisian lexicon"
  • Felipe Francisco (FU Berlin): "A quest for Portuguese loanwords in Moroccan Arabic"
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