Dr. Grace Jeongyeon Park

Institut für Semitistik
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Freitag: 13.00 - 14.00 Uhr.
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Grace Park erhielt ihren BA in chinesischer Sprache und Literatur von der Yonsei University (Seoul, Korea), ihren MA in The Bible and the Ancient Near East an der Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Rothberg International School) und promovierte in den Bereichen Hebräische Bibel und Nordwestsemitik an der Universität von Kalifornien, Los Angeles.
Bevor sie 2020 ihre Tätigkeit als Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der Semitistik am Fachbereich für Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften der Freien Universität Berlin aufnahm, lehrte und arbeitete sie an der University of the Free State, Südafrika, als Senior Lecturer (2014-2017) und als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin für das ERC-Projekt Babylonische Medizin - BabMed an der Freien Universität Berlin (2017-2018). Außerdem lehrte sie als Teaching Fellow (2018-2020) am Department of Theology and Religion, University of Birmingham, UK.
Lehrveranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2024/2025
Lehrveranstaltungen im Sommersemester 2024
Lehrveranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2023/2024
Lehrveranstaltungen im Sommersemester 2023
- (Lk) Biblical Aramaic
- (Lk) Semitische Philologie
- (S) Exploring ancient near Eastern culture through poetry and metaphor (EN) (with Cale Johnson)
Lehrveranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2022/23
- (HS) From Biblical to Modern Aramaic
- (VS) Northwest Semitic Inscriptions (Semitische Philologie)
- (Mü) Vergleichende Semitistik
Sommer 2022
Winter 2021/22
- Comparative Semitics (Vergleichende Semitistik)
- Northwest Semitic Inscriptions (Semitische Philologie)
Sommer 2021
- Hebräisch als semitische Sprache
- (Lk) Semitische Philologie
Winter 2020/21
- (MÜ) Introductory Course on Ugaritic
- (VS) Northwest Semitic Inscriptions
· Biblische hebräische und nordwestsemitische Sprachen
· Hebräische Bibel
· Sprachtypologie und vergleichende semitische Philologie
· Schriftausbildung im alten Nahen Osten
· Ugaritische Rituale und Beschwörungsformeln
- Park, Grace J. 2023. Focus Construction with kî ’im in Biblical Hebrew. Linguistic Studies in Ancient West Semitic. Eisenbrauns: University Park, PA.
- Park, Grace J. 2017. “Rhetorical Question in Ruth 1:17b.” Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 43(1): 87–103.
- Park, Grace J. 2016. “Stand-Alone Nominalizations Formed with ’ăšer and kî in Biblical Hebrew.” Journal of Semitic Studies LXI/1 Spring: 41–65.
- Park, Grace J. 2015. “’ăšer from Light Noun to Nominalizer: Towards a Broader Typology of Clausal Nominalization in Biblical Hebrew.” Hebrew Studies 56: 23–48.
- Park, Grace J. 2013. “Polar ’im in Oaths and the Question of Literacy in Lachish 3.” Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 125(3): 463–478.
- Park, Grace J. 2007. “El’s Member in KTU 1.23". Ugarit-Forschungen 39: 617–627.
- Park, Grace J. 2008. Review of Gordon Hamilton’s The Origin of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts, CBQMS 40, 2006. Hebrew Studies 49: 317–319.
- Park, Grace J. 2006. Korean translation of William Schniedewind’s How the Bible Became a Book (Cambridge, 2004), Eco-Livre, Seoul.
- 2022: “Two New Readings in the Letter of the Literate Soldier: Identifying a Parenthetical Unit and a NegativePolarity Item in Lachish Letter 3.” Deutsche Orientalistentag (Berlin, Germany, September 16).
- 2021: “Ugaritic Incantations and House of Exorcism in Proverbs 21:9.” SASNES, LXXSA AND OTSSA Annual Meetings (Bloemfontein, South Africa, August 31).
- 2021: “Stand-alone Nominalization in Biblical Hebrew and Biblical Aramaic.” Semitistisches Forschungskolloquium, Seminar für Semitistik und Arabistik, Freie Universitat Berlin (Berlin, Germany, May 5).
- 2018: “The Ugaritic Impotency Cure RIH 78/20 and Its Precursors in Babylonian Medicine.” Rituals and Magic in Ugarit: Practice, Contexts, and Meaning, Old Testament Seminary (Evangelical-Theological Faculty) of the University of Münster and the Institute of the Ancient Near Eastern Philology and Archaeology(Münster, Germany, April 27).
- 2017: “Sequencing the Ugaritic Alphabet.” Mythographies of Scripts and Alphabets. Ringvorlesung, Freie Universität Berlin (Berlin, Germany, November 21).
- 2016: “Rhetorical Questions formed with kî ʾim in Lamentations 5:22.” Annual Meeting of Society of Biblical Literature (San Antonio, USA, November 20).
- 2016: “Stand-Alone Nominalizations Formed with ’ăšer and kî in Biblical Hebrew.”Colloquium of Hebrew, University of the Free State (Bloemfontein, South Africa, May 6).
- 2014: “Stand-alone Nominalization in 1 Sam 25:26: Towards a Broader Typology of Clausal Nominalization in Biblical Hebrew.” Annual Meeting of SBL (San Diego, USA, November 22).
- 2013: “The Rhetorical Question in Ruth 1:17.” Mainz International Colloquium on Ancient Hebrew (Mainz, Germany, November 2).
- 2008: “The Polarity of ʾim in Forming Rhetorical Questions.” Annual Meeting of SBL (Boston, USA, November 23).
- 2007: “KTU 1.23: Outback into Sown.” Annual Meeting of SBL (San Diego, USA, November 19).
- 2006: “Rereading Lachish 3: Oath formulae and the Question of Literacy.” Annual Meeting of SBL (Washington DC, USA, November 20).
- 2004: “Textual and Sociolinguistic Investigation of the Term Nagid.” Annual Meeting of SBL (San Antonio, USA, November 22).
- 2004: “Samson and the Foxes: Ancient Near Eastern Parallels and Their Implications.” Annual Meeting of SBL (San Antonio, USA, November 21).