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Stellenausschreibung studentische Hilfskraft (80 Monatsstunden) - ERC-Projekt palREAD

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News vom 08.03.2018

Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften - Ostasien und Vorderer Orient

student assistant (80 h/month)
limited to 2 years
reference code: GeschKult/Abu-Remaileh/StudHK

The project will map and trace the development of Palestinian literature from 1948 to the present, with a focus on Arabic-language literary sources published primarily in the Arab world and Europe. To visualize and make accessible the project results, an interactive online platform will be conceptualized and built during the course of the project.

Job description:

General research (books from libraries; journal articles; online research) & teaching assistance; data gathering & entry for the project’s online platform; support in project logistics & event/activity organization; record-keeping/ minute-taking; proofreading; editing.


Very good working knowledge of modern standard Arabic; English, and German; MS Word and Excel skills; at least 4 semesters completed at university; interest in research topic of the working area; ability to work independently, organized and thorough; team compatibility; good ability with accessing library collections, archives, databases, online catalogues.

All applications quoting the reference code should be addressed no later than March 26th 2018 as an e-mail to Prof. Dr. Refqa Abu-Remaileh: arabistik@geschkult.fu-berlin.de or to

Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften
Ostasien und Vorderer Orient
Frau Prof. Dr. Refqa Abu-Remaileh 
Fabeckstr. 23-25
14195 Berlin (Dahlem)

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