Susan Kamel
Dr. Susan Kamel
Institute for Museum Research
In der Halde 1
14195 Berlin
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Work Experience
Since Jan. 2007
Museologist at the Marib Museum Project. A cooperative between the German Archaeological Institute, Branch Sanaa and the Yemeni Social Fund for Development. Responsible for the General Museum Concept
Since Nov. 2006
Project Director at the Institute for Museum Research Berlin: “From Imperial Museum to Communication Center? The new Role of the Museum as Mediator between Sciences and Non-Western Societies”. Responsible for Museums in the Middle East
July ‘04-Sept.2006
Assistant Curator in the Ethnological Museum Berlin, Islamic Department
March – June 2004
Researcher at the Free University of Berlin, Islamic Studies: 100 Years Museum of Islamic Art in Berlin and Cairo. A Comparative Study.
July 2003-Oct.2004
Curator in the Museum of Islamic Art Berlin.
Since 2001
Development, Supervision, Conduction of Visitor Surveys for the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Since 2001
Tourguide for the Museum of Islamic Art Berlin
Since 2001
Lectures at the Free University of Berlin in the Field of Islamic Studies, Museology, Anthropology and Islamic Art History
Look back, look forward. Eisfabrik Hannover. 3.-8.10.2000. Projekt: Believe it or not!
Hamida’s Song. Hundred Years of a Muslim Artist’s Life in Berlin. Museum for Islamic Art Berlin. 18.10.2004-19.1.2005.
Adolf Bastians Erbe im Ethnologischen Museum. Reisen und Sammeln für das Königliche Museum für Völkerkunde. Ethnologisches Museum Berlin. 25.2.-22.5.2005.
BallWork. Scenes from Football and Migration. Ethnological Museum of Berlin. 15.6.-27.8.2006.
July 2002
Ph.D. Title Thesis in Museology: Black Kaaba Meets White Cube. Communicating Religion in the Museum.
July 2000–Oct. 2000
International Women’s University in Hannover, Project Area Migration
October 1999
Master in Museum Studies at the Free University of Berlin
1992 - 1999
Religious Studies, Islamic Studies, East Asian Studies in Goettingen (Germany), Derby (Great Britain) and Berlin (Germany)
- Susan Kamel