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New Technology for Chinese Language Learning

04.07.2024 | 12:00 c.t. - 14:00

This lecture is part of the "Thursday Lecture Series Chinese Linguistics and Chinese Language Teaching" organized by Institute for Chinese Studies.

Jianqiu Tian is an Associate Professor for Linguistics at Peking University. Her main research interests are computer assisted language learning, language testing and assessment, corpus linguistics, systemic functional linguistics and discourse analysis.


New technologies offer unprecedented opportunities for learners to engage with Chinese language and culture in dynamic and effective ways. This presentation showcases the latest technological innovations with transformative impact on the learning of the Chinese language and culture, including generative AI (i.e., ChatGPT) to Virtual Reality (VR)/Augmented Reality (AR)/Mixed Reality (XR), mobile APPs (with elements of gamification), and Computer-mediated Communication (with social media) (over long distance). Finally, there will be a discussion on how to leverage emerging technologies to optimize the learning experience and achieve proficiency in Chinese language skills and competence in understanding and navigating the Chinese culture.

Zeit & Ort

04.07.2024 | 12:00 c.t. - 14:00

Room JK 25/138
Habelschwerdter Allee 45 (Silberlaube)
14195 Berlin
