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Corpus Linguistics for Chinese Studies

20.06.2024 | 16:00 c.t. - 18:00

This lecture is part of the "Thursday Lecture Series Chinese Linguistics and Chinese Language Teaching" organized by Institute for Chinese Studies.

Jianqiu Tian is an Associate Professor for Linguistics at Peking University. Her main research interests are corpus linguistics, computer assisted language learning, language testing and assessment, systemic functional linguistics and discourse analysis.



Corpus linguistics offers a systematic approach to studying language through large, structured collections of texts. The integration of corpus linguistics methodologies has opened new avenues for research in the field of Chinese studies. This presentation explores the fundamental principles and applications of corpus linguistics within the context of Chinese language and culture. Following a very brief introduction to corpus linguistics, this presentation will overview the most commonly used methods to extract linguistic and frequency information from corpora. Then case studies of research utilizing corpus linguistic methods on Chinese language learning, Chinese literature and Chinese society and culture will illustrate how scholars can develop more nuanced understandings of Chinese language and culture by utilizing corpora as rich linguistic resources.

Zeit & Ort

20.06.2024 | 16:00 c.t. - 18:00

Room 2.2051
Fabeckstr. 23-25 (Holzlaube)
14195 Berlin
