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Vortrag: The power of individuals over their own bodies: Foucault’s ‘care of self’ and Falun Gong cultivation

11.07.2019 | 12:00 c.t.

Weihsuan Lin 林瑋璇
Department of German Language and Literature, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan

Weihsuan Lin's lecture is based on her dissertation, ‘Between State and Body: Religious Geopolitics, Cultivation, and the Falun Gong,’ that examines the religious geopolitics of the People’s Republic of China, its repression of the spiritual Falun Gong (FLG) movement, and how the FLG followers coordinate globally to create diverse resistant projects against the Chinese Communist Party.

This study won the David E. Sopher New Scholar Award, bestowed by the Association of American Geographers, Geography of Religion and Belief Systems Specialty Group, as ‘a theoretically rich and empirically sound piece’.

Zeit & Ort

11.07.2019 | 12:00 c.t.

Room 2.2058
Fabeckstraße 23/25
14195 Berlin
