Prof. Dr. Nicolas Schillinger

Institut für Chinastudien
ehemaliger Gastprofessor
Vertretung Prof. Mühlhahn / Stellvertr. Masterbeauftragter
Curriculum Vitae
2019 - 2021 | Visiting Professor, Institute of China Studies, FU Berlin |
2015 - 2019 | Lecturer, Institute of China Studies, FU Berlin |
2013 - 2015 | Postdoc, Graduate School of East Asian Studies, FU Berlin |
2012 | Visiting Lecturer, University of Chicago |
2008 - 2013 | Member of the Research Cluster Asia and Europe in a Global Context, Heidelberg University |
2013 | Promotion Heidelberg University |
2007 | MA History and Sinology, University of Cologne |
Research Interests
- Cultural History of late Imperial and Modern China (18th-20th century)
- History of Gender, Masculinity, and the Body
- Military History
- Historiography and Memory in Graphic Novels
- History of Science and Technology
Current research projects
- Scientific Warfare in Modern China
- War and Masculinity in Twentieth Century China
2016. Body and Military Masculinity in late Qing and early Republican China. The Art of Governing Soldiers. Lanham: Rowman&Littfefield Publishers.
Edited volume
2019 - with Susan Richter and Sebastian Meurer (eds). Migrating Ideas of Administration and Governance between Asia and Europe since the Early Modern Period. München:DeGruyter.
2012. Survey the People. The Emergence of Population Statistics as Technology of Government in Early 20th Century China. In: Antje Flüchter/Susan Richter (ed.): Structures on the Move. Technologies of Governance in Transcultural Encounters. Heidelberg: Springer, 87-103.
2018. Scarred Dragon. Historical Trauma Narratives in the Graphic Novels of Li Kunwu and Gene Luen Yang.In:ImageText – Interdisciplinary Comic Studies, Vol. 10.1.
2018. Militärische Professionalisierung und Inszenierung. Das taktische Kriegsspiel in China in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. In: Karen Aydin et al. (eds.). Games of Empires. Kulturhistorische Konnotationen von Brettspielen in transnationalen und imperialen Kontexten. Münster: LIT Verlag, 261-283.
2019. Professional New Armies for China. Corruption and the Body Politic in Late Qing and Early Republican Military Reforms. In: Susan Richter et al. (ed.): Migrating Ideas of Administration and Governance between Asia and Europe since the Early Modern Period. München:DeGruyter.
2019. Andere Mythen – Geschichte, Trauma und Nation in Boxers and Saints. In: Tanja Zimmermann (ed.): Geschichte und Mythos in Comics und Graphic Novels. Berlin Ch. A. Bachmann Verlag.