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KEC Lecture 2023

Korea and Germany: Key Partners with Shared Values


The KEC is glad to welcome the ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Germany, H. E. Mr. Kim Hong-kyun

KEC Lecture 2023 - Korea and Germany: Key Partners with Shared Values - H.E. Mr. Kim Hong-kyun

KEC Lecture 2023 - Korea and Germany: Key Partners with Shared Values - H.E. Mr. Kim Hong-kyun

Guest speaker

H.E. Mr Kim Hong-kyun entered the diplomatic service and joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) in 1984. Since then, he has served terms in the United States, the Republic of Senegal, Thailand, and Belgium. He also worked for the United Nations and the European Union, amongst other International Organisations. In 2015, he was assigned as Deputy Minister for Political Affairs (MOFA), and in 2016 to Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Affairs (MOFA). Next to his many achievements, he also became an Adjunct Professor at the Dong-A University in Busan from 2019 until 2022. Since October 2022, he has been the Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany.

Offline event


Tuesday, June 20th 2023

4:00 - 5:00 PM


Otto-v.-Simson Str. 11, 14195 Berlin


Dr. Choe, Hyondok (hyondok.choe[at]fu-berlin.de)