KDIS-FUIKS Korea-Europe Center - SLS 2022 - 21C Korea: Industrial Society Korea undergoing Deindustrialisation
The KDIS-FUIKS Korea-Europe Center presents a special lecture series especially focused on the political economy in South Korea as part of the module of 21 Century Korea.
KDIS-FUIKS Korea-Europe Center - SLS 2022 - 21C Korea: Industrial Society Korea undergoing Deindustrialisation
The global economy and production are fastly changing due to a series of challenges – such as climate change and energy crisis, technological advances, financial and economic crises, and the recent pandemic. As countries are struggling to respond domestically to these external shocks, it comes as an urgent issue for Korea, which has achieved rapid growth through manufacturing and the social structure that supports it. The lecture series focuses particularly on the ongoing change in the Korean industrial and social structure and the country’s response to the challenges.
1) 31 October 2022: Industrial Transformation in South Korea: National Industrial Strategy and Local Development Path Creation
Dr. Sukjin Yoon (Research Fellow, The Incheon Institute (Republic of Korea); Visiting Research Fellow, University of Manchester (UK))
2) 21 November 2022: Greening Industrial Policy amidst Geopolitical Changes: South Korea in Comparative Perspective
Dr. Jewellord (Jojo) Nem Singh (Assistant Professor at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
3) 12 December 2022: The Korean Economy in the Age of "Turbulent" Digital Transformation -
Beyond the Old Miracle and Normals
Dr. Cheonsik Woo (Senior visiting fellow at the Korea Development Institute (Center for Futures & Strategy))
4) 30 January 2023: Culture, Creativity and Entrepreneurship: Korean Content Industry Cases
- Adj. Prof. Ilhan Hong (Adjunct Professor at Hanyang University (Dept. of Culture and Content) & UMAG COO/Co-founder)
Online event
Monday, October 31st 2022 - January 30th 2023
12:15 - 1:45 PM
Webex (online)
Dr. Kahee Jo (kahee.jo@fu-berlin.de)
Weitere Informationen
Dr. Kahee Jo (kahee.jo@fu-berlin.de)