IKS Special Lecture Series WiSe 16/17 – I
Korea in East Asia: History of Ideas
Philosophy in Korea has developed as a melting pot of ideas in East Asia. The aim of this lecture series is to illuminate the history of ideas in East Asia in order to understand the history of ideas in Korea in the context of East Asia by reviewing the flow of ideas between three countries in East Asia, and discovering how the exchange and influence of philosophical ideas impacted the history of East Asia. It is through this lens that we would like to question “how the history of ideas in Korea was influenced by China and Japan and developed interactively with them.”
(26.10.2016) Prof. Dr. Steffi Richter (Institut für Japanologie, Universität Leipzig)
"Der Roman 'Die drei Leben der Ri Korean' (Ian Buruma, 2010) als Chance und Herausforderung transnationaler / transkultureller Japan- und Ostasien-Forschung"
(16.11.2016) Prof. Dr. Yoko ARISAKA (Institut für Philosophie, Universität Hildesheim)
"Writing History: The Role of Philosophy and the Legacies of the Postwar Korea-Japan Relation"
Yoko has received her Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of California, Riverside (1996), and she had been Associate Professor of Philosophy in the Philosophy Department and Graduate Faculty at the Center for the Pacific Rim at the University of San Francisco (1996-2007). During Fall 97 she was a CNRS research associate at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris. Since 2005 she lives in Hannover, Germany. She had been a Fellow at the Forschungsinstitut für Philosopohie Hannover (2009-2011). She is currently Adjunct Faculty at the University of Hildesheim, Germany. Her field of research include political philosophy (including philosophy of race and gender issues), modern Japanese philosophy, phenomenology, philosophy of technology, and ethics.
(23.11.2016) Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Seifert (Institut für Japanologie, Universität Heidelberg)
"Kann das Nachbarland Korea zu einer 'Kolonie' werden? – Überlegungen zum 'Kolonie'-Begriff aus Anlass eines japanischen Gutachtens zur Assimilationspolitik Preußen"
Wolfgang Seifert ist Professor Emeritus für Japanologie (Schwerpunkt Gesellschaft und Geschichte des Modernen Japan). In der Universität Heidelberg hat er von 1992 bis 2011 als Professor gearbeitet. Er hat Politikwissenschaft, Japanologie, Philosophie und Soziologie in Bonn, Frankfurt/Main and Tôkyô studiert. In Politikwissenschaft hat er promoviert in Frankfurt/Main, danach hat er sich in Japanologie in Marburg habilitiert. Mehrere Jahre lang war er Advisory editor der Reihe Contemporary Japanese Society, Cambridge University Press. Derzeit ist er der Herausgeber der Reihe Japan in Ostasien, Nomos-Verlag.
(30.11.2016) Prof. Dr. Eric Nelson (Division of Humanities, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
"The Debate between Neo-Confucianism and Buddhism in Jeong Dojeon and Gihwa"
Eric S. Nelson is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He has published over seventy articles and book chapters on Chinese, German, and Jewish philosophy. He is the author of a forthcoming monograph “Chinese and Buddhist Philosophy in early Twentieth-Century German Thought” (London 2017). He is the co-editor with François Raffoul of the "Bloomsbury Companion to Heidegger" (London 2016) and "Rethinking Facticity" (Albany 2008). He has also co-edited with John Drabinski, “Between Levinas and Heidegger” (Albany 2014); with G. D’Anna and H. Johach, “Anthropologie und Geschichte. Studien zu Wilhelm Dilthey aus Anlass seines 100. Todestages” (Würzburg 2013); and with A. Kapust and K. Still, "Addressing Levinas" (Evanston 2005). He has edited special topic issues of Frontiers of Philosophy in China and the Journal of Chinese Philosophy.
(11.01.2017) Prof. Dr. Wondam Paik (The Institute for East Asian Studies, SungKongHoe University)
"The Imagination of Asia and Aporia of Nationalism in Post-war Asia"
Paik, Wondam currently is a professor of Department Chinese Studies & Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Graduate Course, the director of Institute for East Asian Studies, Sungkonghoe University. Her research concerns alternative regionalism and cultural solidarity across Asia. She has also been working as an editor of Hwanghae Review and Renjian Thought Review, and has organized many international conferences. She has published many books and articles about modern Chinese culture and east-Asian thoughts, and the most recent books and articles are (in Korean): New China and Korean War; The Birth of Cold War Asia (2013) The Production and Regulation of Culture in East Asia (2012), Cultural Landscape of the Cold Asia I (2008), Cultural Landscape of the Cold Asia II (2009); (in English) The 60th anniversary of the Bandung Conference and Asia (2016), (in Chinese) 1960-70 年代亞洲的不結盟/第三世界運動和民族 •民眾概念的創新 (2015), 洲民族主 与 5.4 (2012)