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Special Lecture Series "Korea in East Asia - History of Ideas" mit Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Seifert

23.11.2016 | 18:00 - 20:00
Poster SLS WiSe1617 Seifert

Poster SLS WiSe1617 Seifert

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang SEIFERT (Institut für Japanologie, Universität Heidelberg): 

Kann das Nachbarland Korea zu einer "Kolonie" werden? – Überlegungen zum "Kolonie"-Begriff auf Anlass eines japanischen Gutachtens zur Assimilationspolitik Preußens

Special Lecture Series: "Korea in East Asia – History of Ideas"

Philosophy in Korea has developed as a melting pot of ideas in East Asia. The aim of this lecture series is to illuminate the history of ideas in East Asia in order to understand the history of ideas in Korea in the context of East Asia by reviewing the flow of ideas between three countries in East Asia, and discovering how the exchange and influence of philosophical ideas impacted the history of East Asia.  It is through this lens that we would like to question “how the history of ideas in Korea was influenced by China and Japan and developed interactively with them.”

Zeit & Ort

23.11.2016 | 18:00 - 20:00

Institut für Koreastudien,
Raum 5,
Fabeckstr. 7,
14195 Berlin