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KEC Special Lecture Series on North Korea 2024

25.06.2024 | 14:00 - 16:00
KEC Special Lecture Series Dr Joo-hee Hwang

KEC Special Lecture Series Dr Joo-hee Hwang

Socialist Enterprises Management System in the Kim Jong-un era

-Dr. Joo-hee Hwang (Korea Institute for National Unification)

Abstract of the KEC Special Lecture Series on North Korea 2024 Summer Semester

Every semester, we have been organizing special lectures to feature the diverse research achievements of North Korean scholars. This semester, we have created a unique opportunity to highlight the research accomplishments of young scholars.


Dr Joo-hee Hwang will explain the North Korean economic system and the evolution of economic management from Kim Il Sung to Kim Jong Un. She will explore the new North Korean approach to economic management since Kim Jong Un took power, focusing on past practices and the current legal system, as well as examining changes in management methods through examples of department stores in Pyongyang. Through this analysis, we can gain insights into how North Korea's new socialist method of economic management is strengthening the country's resilience.

About the lecturer:

Dr Joo-hee Hwang (Research Fellow, Korea Institute for National Unification)

Dr. Hwang received PhD in North Korean Studies from Korea University (Dissertation: A Study on North Korean Socialist Enterprises Management System in the Kim Jong-un era: Focusing on the Institutionalisation of Management Practices, 2023) and is currently a Research Fellow at the Korea Institute for National Unification. Her research interests include North Korean political economy and enterprise policy. She uses text mining as her primary research method. “Urban Politics and Spatial Structure of Pyongyang", Co-author (KINU: Korea Institute for National Unification, 2023), journal include "A Study of the Changing Business Order under Kim Jong-Un:Focusing on Legal System”, Journal of Patriots and Veterans Affairs in the Republic of Korea (2024).

Please register: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/weblink/register/rc6defd47ddcc649cbb7440f5053710f1

Zeit & Ort

25.06.2024 | 14:00 - 16:00


Weitere Informationen

Dr. Hojye Kang: hojye.kang[at]fu-berlin.de