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Dr. Gyewon Byeon


King Sejong Institute Foundation

King Sejong Institute Berlin

Externe/r Mitarbeiter/in

Cultural Program Manager

Institut für Koreastudien

Otto-von-Simson-Str. 11
Raum K 007
14195 Berlin

Dr. Gyewon Byeon erwarb einen B.A. und M.A. in traditioneller koreanischer Musik und musikalischer Komposition an der Seoul National University und promovierte in Ethnomusikologie an der SOAS, University of London. Seit 2003 hat sie an verschiedenen renommierten Universitäten in Korea gelehrt und zahlreiche Fachvorträge gehalten, sowohl für ein akademisches als auch für ein öffentliches Publikum. Zudem hat Dr. Byeon zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen in englischer und koreanischer Sprache in führenden akademischen Zeitschriften verfasst und ist Autorin mehrerer Bücher.

Darüber hinaus war sie als Musikkommentatorin für mehrere große koreanische Rundfunkprogramme tätig, darunter „World Music for Us“ auf KBS 3FM. Ihre vielfältigen Erfahrungen erstrecken sich auch auf die Jurytätigkeit bei zahlreichen Musikwettbewerben, Ausserdem wurden ihre Kompositionen, in denen traditionelle koreanische Instrumente verwendet werden, international (Korea, Japan, den Vereinigten Staaten, Österreich und Grossbritannien) aufgeführt. Mehrere ihrer Werke wurden von namhaften Institutionen wie dem KBS und dem National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts in Auftrag gegeben. Besonders hervorzuheben ist, dass ihr sechstes Rezital 2010 in Seoul aufgeführt wurde und ihre Werke in einer Reihe von Konzerten auf dem Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2006 eine zentrale Bestandteil des Festival spielten. In Anerkennung ihrer Beiträge zur traditionellen koreanischen Musik wurde Dr. Byeon 2006 mit dem KBS Grand Prize für Komposition und 2009 mit dem Composition of the Year Award der Association of Korean Musicians ausgezeichnet. Bis heute sind in Korea etwa elf CDs mit ihrer Musik erhältlich.

Sie zog 2014 nach Deutschland und war von 2015 bis 2022 als Wissenschaftlerin und Dozentin am Lehrstuhl für Koreanistik der Ruhr-Universität Bochum tätig. Derzeit ist sie Leiterin des Kulturprogramms am König-Sejong-Institut in Berlin, das dem Institut für Koreanistik der Freien Universität Berlin angegliedert ist.


University of London (London, UK) , SOAS (UK) / Ph.D, 2001

    • Major: Ethnomusicology

Seoul National University (Seoul, Korea) / MA, 1994

    • Major: Traditional Korean Music and Musical Composition

Seoul National University (Seoul, Korea) / BA, 1991

    • Major: Traditional Korean Music and Musical Composition

Ruhr Universität Bochum (Bochum, Germany), Oct. 2015 – Aug. 2023

  • Sprache und Kultur Koreas: Akademische Mitarbeiterin

Sookmyung Women’s University (Seoul, Korea), Sep. 2010 – July 2014

  • Lecturer
    • Courses Taught:
      • Korean Culture Face to Face (taught in English)
      • In Search of Korean Culture (taught in English)
      • E-Class with Vietnam Hanoi University and City University of Hong Kong (taught in English)

KAIST (Daejeon, Korea), Mar. 2005 – Feb. 2011

  • Adjunct Professor (대우교수, taught in English)

Seoul National University of Education (Seoul, Korea), Sep. 2004 – Aug. 2011

  • Researcher and Lecturer

Seoul National University (Seoul, Korea), Sep. 2001 – Aug. 2006

  • Lecturer

  • Understanding and Appreciation of Music. Seoul: Korea Open University Press, 2014 (co-authored with two others, ISBN 978-89-20-01367-6)
  • The Educational Manual of Korean Culture for Sejong Korean Language Institutes Worldwide. Seoul: Korea Arts & Culture Education Press, 2013 (co-authored with four others, ISBN 978-89-6748-042-4)
  • Writing New Music for Korean Traditional Instruments. Seoul: Minsokwon Press, 2009 (ISBN 978-89-5638-767-3 93670)
  • Composition Score Book by Gyewon Byeon – Venustas Cum Veritate. Seoul: Minsokwon Press, 2009 (ISBN 978-89-5638-788-8 93670)
  • Korean Musicology Series 1, Music of Korea. Seoul: National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts, 2007 (co-author, ISBN 978-89-85952-04-0 08760)
  • Composition Score Book by Gyewon Byeon – Forgotten Love in Everyday Life. Seoul: Minsokwon Press, 2006 (ISBN 89-5638-363-4)
  • World Songs for Multi-cultural Music Education. Seoul: T’aerim Press, 2006 (co-authored, ISBN 89-7624-771-X)
  • "Intertwining Influences on the Musical Achievements of 15th Century Korea." The Review of Korean Studies, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2022
  • „Traditionelle koreanische Musik im Fluss der Koreanischen Welle Hallyu.“ Kultur Korea, Koreanishces Kulturzentrum, 2022
  • "Folk Music Characteristics in the World of Yi Haeshik’s Musical Works." Korean Music Research, Vol. 51, June 2012
  • "Learning of Creative Activities Based on Traditional Songs in the Primary School Textbook." Korean Traditional Music Education, Vol. 9, June 2012
  • "To Globalize Korean Traditional Performing Arts Education." Korean Music Research, Vol. 49, June 2011
  • "The Analysis of Music Textbooks for 3rd and 4th Grade in Elementary School." Arts Education Research, Vol. 7-2, Dec. 2009
  • "The Revolutionary Work in the Development of Korean Traditional Music." Arts Papers, Vol. 9, Department of Music, Chonnam National University, Dec. 2009
  • "Concert Review – National Center’s Special Performance, Commemorative Festival for the 90th Birthday of Yun Yisang." Today’s Composer and Today’s Composition, Vol. 8: 27-30, 2008
  • "The Outcome and Prospect of Multicultural Educational Research at Seoul National University of Education." Music Education, Vol. 9: 21-53 (ISSN 1976-1635), 2008
  • "Discussion of the Musical Form in Sea by Yi Sung-Chun and Speech of the Wind by Yi Haeshik." Korean Music Research, Vol. 43: 141-165, 2008
  • "Yi Sung-Chun’s Music World through an Investigation of His Gayageum Works." The Commendatory Book for Dr. Yi Hae-gu’s 100th Birthday: 317-333, 2008
  • "Book Review - Understanding Japanese Music and Beyond the Japanese Music Culture by Ji-Seon Lee." Korean Music History, No. 39: 252-255, 2007
  • "Yang Bang-eun: The Most Popular Musician in the World of Korean Fusion Music." Today’s Composer and Today’s Composition, No. 7: 35-41, 2007
  • "Bohemians’ Songs in the 21st Century: European Gypsies’ World Music." The Journal of Romantic Music, Vol. 19/3 (75): 163-190, 2007
  • "2006 New Composition in Korean Traditional Music." 2007 Culture and Arts Yearbook, Arts Council Korea: 207-212, 2007
  • · "The Concept of Composition in Korean Music." Musicology, 23-47, 2007
  • · "Hawaiian Folk Music and Its Education." Journals of Seoul National University of Education: 149-173, 2007
  • · "New Music by the Composer Hyeongsun Ryu." Today’s Composer and Today’s Composition, Vol. 6: 95-98 (ISBN 89-90624-46-0), 2006
  • "New Folksong in the 21st Century - Beautiful Pusan by Ko Youngshin." Today’s Composer and Today’s Composition, Vol. 5: 79-82 (ISBN 89-90624-43-6), 2006
  • "To Formulate the Globalization of Korean Traditional Children’s Songs for Multicultural Music Education." The Journal of Korean Music Research, Vol. 37: 133–153, Seoul: The Society of Korean Traditional Music, June 30, 2005
  • "Women in the Early Modern Times of German Music (Translation)." The Journal of Music Research, Vol. 35: 1–13, Seoul: The Society of Korean Music (ISSN 1229–1919), 2005
  • "The Present State and Prospects of Ethnomusicology in the U.K." The Journal of Korean Traditional Music History, Vol. 34: 85-130, Seoul: The Society for Korean Traditional Music History, June 30, 2005
  • "Globalization of Korean Traditional Music through Various International Cultural Interchange." 2005 Culture and Arts Yearbook, Arts Council Korea: 216–223
  • "Terminological Investigation of ‘World Music’." The Journal of National Music, Vol. 28: 321-340, Seoul: The Society of National Music, October 15, 2004
  • "Multicultural Music Education and Intercultural Music Education." The Journal of Music Education, No. 4: 294–297 (ISBN 89-7624-442-7), 2004
  • "World Music Education in American Schools (Translation)." The Journal of Music Education, No. 4: 72-96 (ISBN 89-7624-442-7), 2004
  • "Book Review - Contemporary Directions: Korean Folk Music Engaging the Twentieth Century and Beyond, edited by Nathan Hesselink." The Review of Korean Studies, Vol. 7, No. 1, 219–223, The Academy of Korean Studies, 2004
  • "Western Influence and Changes in Korean Music." The Journal of Korean Traditional Music History, Vol. 30: 837–858, Seoul: The Society of Korean Traditional Music History, June 2003
  • "The Improvement of the Kayagum and a Piece for the 21-string." The Commendatory Book for Prof. Kim Chongja’s 60th Birthday: 823-838, Seoul: Minsokwon Press, 2002
Musikalische Aktivitäten: Uraufgeführte Werke als Komponistin
  • Swallows Flying into Apricot Flowers (Kayagum Solo), premiered by kayagum soloist Ms. Hyunmun Yu in Gwangju, released on Ms. Yu’s CD, Korea, 2021
  • My Unknown Companion, premiered at Dream of One Summer Night, organized by the Haegum Society of Korea, Umyeon Hall, National Gugak Center, August 2014
  • Five Musicians, Five Colors, premiered at Korea Kulturhaus Österreich, sponsored by ARKO, July 8, 2013
  • Emotions, premiered at City University of Hong Kong, September 4, 2012
  • Parental Love, premiered at Taste of Korean Music, Robinson College Chapel, University of Cambridge, April 28, 2012
  • Breathing, premiered at Korean Traditional Music Today, Recital Room, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, April 25, 2012
  • Sound of Winds, premiered at Korean Music Today, Korean Cultural Centre UK, London, April 24, 2012
  • Elegant Accomplishments, premiered at Music from Korea, Past and Present, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre, SOAS, University of London, April 13, 2012
  • Life, from the Beginning (for dance performance), premiered at Duri Dance Hall, Seoul, March 29, 2011
  • Peaceful Rest (for 25-stringed kayagum ensemble), commissioned by Gwangju Mudung Kayagum Ensemble, premiered at U-square Kumho Art Hall, Gwangju, July 2010
  • Cheomseongdae (for haegeum, piano, and female vocal), commissioned by the Humanities Festival at KAIST, premiered September 2009
  • Ta (for Yanggum Concerto with Korean Traditional Music Orchestra), commissioned by the National Centre for Korean Traditional Performing Arts, premiered June 2009
  • Wind Around an Orchid (for daegeum and 25-stringed kayagum), commissioned by Sungmi Suh, premiered at Seoul Namsan Hall, January 2009
  • Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring (for daegeum, piano, voice, and dance), commissioned by Seung-mi Suh, premiered at St. Michael’s Theater, New York, USA, 2008
  • Asian Bossa Nova (for thirteen-string koto, seventeen-string Jusichigen, twelve-string kayagum, piano, and two percussionists), commissioned by Japanese koto player, premiered at the Japanese Embassy, Korea, 2008
  • Cognitive Dissonance (for daegeum, human voice, and electronic sound), premiered at Gyewon Byeon’s Recital, National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts, October 16, 2008
  • Journey to Memory (for solo haegeum with Western orchestra), commissioned by Kyung-suk Park, performed at Kyunggi Province Arts Center, 2008
  • Euphoria (for nine 25-stringed kayagum performers), commissioned by the Society of Asia Zither, performed at regular concert of the Society of Asia Zither, 2008
  • Narasha (for female voice and three kayagum parts), commissioned by Sookmyeong Kayagum Ensemble Orchestra, performed at Hoam Art Hall, Seoul, 2007
  • Respect Heaven and Work for People, commissioned by the Society of Traditional Aristocratic Song Research, 2007
  • Red Birds (for traditional ensemble and female voice), commissioned by the Society of Traditional Aristocratic Song Research, 2007
  • Sensibility and Intelligence (for two kayagum parts), commissioned by Chonbuk Kayagum Ensemble, 2007
  • Lost Words (for Korean Traditional Orchestra), commissioned and performed by Minhwa Traditional Orchestra, 2007
  • Beauty of Snow (for ajaeng and piano), commissioned by ajaeng performer Kim Seol-A, performed at Seoul Arts Center, 2006
  • New Yeomillak (for haegum and piano), performed at Edinburgh C Venue, 2006 Edinburgh Fringe Festival, August 2006
  • Hung (for daegeum and piano), performed at Edinburgh C Venue, 2006 Edinburgh Fringe Festival, August 2006
  • The Fragrance of Nature II (for kayagum and piano), performed at Edinburgh C Venue, 2006 Edinburgh Fringe Festival, August 2006
  • Seven Different Stories (Chamber Music), commissioned by the National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts, performed by the Orchestra of the National Centre for Korean Traditional Performing Arts, May 2006
  • The Neighbor (for daegeum and 18-stringed kayagum), performed in Sapporo, Japan, 2005
  • The Moment (for five-stringed pipa and daegeum), commissioned by the English Arts and Humanities Research Center, performed at Brunei Gallery Hall, London, 2005
  • Joy, Anger, Sorrow, and Pleasure (for traditional Korean instruments), commissioned and performed by Chonbuk Provincial Traditional Music Orchestra, November 2004
  • His Life was Wonderful (for Traditional Orchestra), performed by Seoul National University Korean Traditional Music Students at Concert Hall in SNU, September 2004
  • Park vs Park (for a p’ansori singer with Traditional Orchestra), commissioned by KBS Traditional Music Orchestra, performed by KBS Traditional Music Orchestra, March 2004
  • A Trip to the West – Out into the World (for Traditional Chamber Music), commissioned by Kugak Broadcasting Company, performed at Art Hall in Chungang University, December 2003
  • Prism and Spectrum (celebratory piece for Prof. Yi Haeshik’s 60th birthday), performed at Munhwa Newspaper Hall, November 2003
  • New Sangjeoga (for vocal with traditional orchestra), commissioned by KBS Traditional Music Orchestra, performed at KBS Hall, June 2003
  • T’an (for contemporary dance music), performed at Brooklyn Conservatory Music Hall, May 2003
  • Flying (for traditional orchestra), commissioned and performed by Kyunggi Provincial Traditional Music Orchestra, at Kyunggi Provincial Cultural Art Centre, November 2002
  • Violet Wood Sorrel (for haegum solo), commissioned and performed by the National Centre for Korean Traditional Performing Arts, 2002
  • Rule of Circulation (for three haegum performers), commissioned and performed by the Society for Haegum Research, 2002
  • Sinpungryu (for 25-string kayagum and sogeum), performed at the National Centre, 2002
  • Multitone (for daegeum and electronically-manipulated daegeum and voice), performed at the National Centre, 2002
  • Habitus (Gayageum Quartet), performed at Festival in Celebration of the 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup, Haneul Theater, National Theater of Korea, organized by KBS Radio 1FM, June 16, 2002
  • Years of Chaos, Yet Hope… (Orchestral Composition), performed by Ansan City Korean Traditional Orchestra at 2001 Korean Traditional Music Composition Festival, in Munye Hall, sponsored by Ministry of Culture and Tourism, November 15, 2001