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CfA: Korea Competence Week 2024 for Graduate Students and PhD Candidates

CfA-Competence Week 2024

CfA-Competence Week 2024


Date: 23.- 27. September 2024 (Mon.-Fri.)


 Freie Universität Berlin, Institute of Korean Studies, Otto-v.-Simson Str. 11, 14195 Berlin

Application deadline:

Deadline extension! 31 July, 2024

The Korea-Europe Center at the Institute of Korean Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, (FU-IKS) is pleased to announce the Workshop Series <Korea Competence Week 2024> for graduate students and PhD candidates intending to enhance the academic and political competence of those involved in Korea-related research and politics.

Workshop program

1. Reading South Korea
   Monday, 23th September 2024

Instructor: Dr Kahee Jo, University of Sheffield

This workshop invites PhD students studying Korea-related themes to deepen their understanding of their research object “Korea”. Participants will learn more about current developments and issues related to South Korea, improving their intercultural competence in an increasingly globalised academia. 

2. Reading North Korea
   Tuesday, 24th September 2024

Instructor: Dr Hojye Kang, Freie Universität Berlin

Expanding on the ideas of the first workshop, this session focuses on current developments and issues related to North Korea, enhancing the intercultural understanding of participants.

3. Policy Paper Writing Workshop
   Wednesday, 25th September 2024 lecture and group work
   Thursday, 26th September 2024, morning session: group report and evaluation

Mr. Kim Yonho, Associate director of George Washington Institute of Korean Studies, USA

This workshop teaches basic techniques and strategies for writing policy papers. Participants have the opportunity to gain knowledge, skills and first-hand insight from people who are engaged in policy paper writing. The workshop intends to illuminate the context in which policy papers are produced, why they are written, and how they potentially influence decision-making processes. The workshop will consist of interactive training sessions, group work and practical exercises.

4. Strategic Dialogue Workshop
   Thursday, 26th September 2024, afternoon session: lecture
   Friday, 27th September 2024, including group work and presentation

Mr. Kim Yonho, Associate director of George Washington Institute of Korean Studies, USA

Mr. Sangsoo Lee, Senior Adviser at Center for Humanitarian Dialogue

Strategic dialogue is a term that is used with increasing frequency, both in the private and public sectors. It is generally understood as denoting a processual development among groups or teams intending to reach a common understanding concerning goals, concepts or projects in view of the future. Nevertheless, what does "strategic dialogue" exactly mean? How does it differ from a regular "bilateral" or "multilateral" meeting? Is it a formal or informal process? How does it compare and contrast with 1.5 and 2-track discussions? Can academics participate in strategic dialogues, or is it a format limited to practitioners, mainly from the field of politics? Who sets the strategic agenda, and how is strategic dialogue organized in practice?

The workshop will examine these and other questions, providing a comprehensive overview of the instrument of strategic dialogue. The seminar will host speakers with rich experience and a proven track record in conducting such strategic dialogues with partners in Asia, particularly in both Koreas. The guest speakers will share their expertise and provide hands-on experiences. This workshop will also include a model-strategic dialogue in which participants will have the opportunity to prepare and simulate a strategic dialogue under the guidance of experienced practitioners in the field.



Applicants be enrolled in a graduate program at a European university. An interest in Korea is recommended. 


Application period:  
Until June 25th, 2024


The Korea-Europe Center will provide the selected participants with
roundtrip train ticket (2nd class) or airfare (economy class) within Europe,
- board and lodging for the duration of the workshop



Submit the following documents in one PDF file with the applicant's family name as the file name to Gwendolyn Domning (g.domning@fu-berlin.de) and Dalila Hadzic (d.hadzic@fu-berlin.de)

Letter of Motivation

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Copy of certificate of enrollment at a European university


Weitere Informationen

Gwendolyn Domning (g.domning@fu-berlin.de)

Dalila Hadzic (d.hadzic@fu-berlin.de)