Prof. Jae-jin Yang

Institut für Koreastudien
Gastwissenschaftler, DAAD Scholar
Professor of Public Policy and Management, Yonsei University
Yonsei University, Seoul, B.A. in Public Administration (1992)
Rutgers-the State University of New Jersey, Ph.D in Political Science (2000)
<Academic Activities>
Editor-in-Chief, Korean Public Administration Review (01.2023~Present)
Director, Kim Dae-jung Presidential Library and Museum (09.2022~08.2024)
President, Korea Social Security Association (2023)
Winner, the 68th National Academy of Sciences Award (大韓民國學術院賞) (2023)
The Political Economy of the Small Welfare State in South Korea (Cambridge University Press, 2017)
The Small Welfare State: Rethinking Welfare in the US, Japan, and South Korea (Edward Elgar, 2020)
The Logic of Welfare(복지의 원리): Eleven Stories to Grasp the Korean Welfare State (Hanibook, 2023)