Dr. Hak Jae Kim

Graduate School of East Asian Studies
Freie Universität Berlin
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Director of Research Unit
7/2008-7/2011 | Research assistant, "Reinterpreting the Korean War with Documents of US Military", Korean Research Foundation |
3/2007-8/2008 | Lecturer, Chung-nam National University |
3/2008-12/2008 | Lecturer, Seoul National University |
08/2009-8/2011 | Lecturer, Seoul National University of Technology |
6/2011-7/2013 | Research Associate, "Korea and East Asia in Global History, 1840-2000", FMI, FU Berlin |
8/2013-present | PostDoc, Graduate School of East Asian Studies (FU) |
Korean Contemporary History (especially focused on 1950’s)
East Asian War experiences (World War II – Korean War)
War and POWs Camp in East Asia
20th century’s civil war and Cold War modernities
Journal Articles
2013. "Three peace regimes in East Asia during the Cold War: Panmunjom, Geneva and Bandung", Critical Review of History (No. 105, Win. 2013).
2013. "The Chinese Intervention and the birth of "East Asian Division system". In: Wondam, Baek (ed.), The birth of the Cold War Asia : New China and the Korean War, Seoul : Munhwaguahaksa.
2011. “정부수립 전후 공보부.처의 활동과 냉전 통치성의 계보[The activities of department of Information and the genealogy of the Cold war Governmentality]”, in : 대동문화연구[The Journal of The Great East Asiatic Studies], No. 74., 2011. (Seoul: Asian research center of the Shungkyungwan University).
2010. “한국전쟁기 대통령 긴급명령과 예외상태의 법제화[The Presidential Emergency order during the Korean War and legislation of the state of exception: the formation of the special penalty law under the state of emergency and its application]”, in : 사회와 역사[Society and History], No. 92, 2011. (Seoul: Association of the Social History).
2010. “한국전쟁전후민간인학살과20세기의내전 [20th century’s civil war and civilian massacre during the Korean War]”, in : 아세아연구[The Journal of Asiatic Studies], No. 142, 2010. (Seoul: Asian research center of the Korea University),.
2010. “전쟁포로들의저항과반공오리엔탈리즘[The resistance of the Prisoners of War and the Anti-communist Orientalism]”, in 사림[The Historical Journal], No.36, 2010. .(Seoul: Historical Association)
2009. “여순사건과예외상태국가의건설[The Yosu incident and building of the state of exception state]”, in : 제노사이드연구[The Genocide Studies], No.6., 2009. (Seoul: the Korean Genocide Research Association)
2009. “진압과석방의정치- 한국전쟁기포로수용소와국민형성[The Politics of suppression and release – The Prisoners of war camp and nation building during the Korean War]”, in : 제노사이드연구[The Genocide Studies], No.5., 2009. (Seoul: the Korean Genocide Research Association)
2009. “한국전쟁과‘인도주의적구원’의신화[The Korean War and the Myth of the ‘humanitarian relief’ : The establishment and character of the UNCACK during the occupation of North Korea]”,in : 사림[The Historical Journal], No.33. 2009. (Seoul: Historical Association)
2007. “한국전쟁전후국가정보기관의형성과활동[The formation of National Intelligence agencies around the Korean War and it’s activities]”, in : 제노사이드연구[The Genocide Studies], No.2., 2007. (Seoul: the Korean Genocide Research Association)
2004. “1950년대 국가권력과 행정말단기구-국민반을 통한 감시와 동원[State Power and Terminal Administration Organization in 1950’s – Mobilization through the Medium of ‘Kukmin-ban’]”, in : 역사연구[The Journal of Historical Studies], No. 14, 2004. (Seoul: Sun-in)
2004. “사상검열과전향의포로가된국민[The Captured Nation: the Idea Control and Conversion]”, in : 당대비평[Contemporary Criticism], No. 27, 2004. (Seoul: A Tree of thinking)
Book chapters
Kim H.J(2011) co-author, 전쟁속의또다른전쟁The another War in the Korean War : Civilian massacres in the U.S document(Seoul: Sun-in)
Kim H.J(2010) co-author, 전장과사람들Battlefield and the people, (Seoul: Sun-in)
Kim H.J (2007) co-author, 죽엄으로써나라를지키자Save our country to death. (Seoul: Sun-in)
Conference Papers
“The colonial origins of the Korean state of exception”, Paper presented at the International Seminar held by Tokyo foreign University,Jan. <Colony and modernity : the continuations and discontinuation of coloniality>, Jan, 2010.
“The formation of the emergency law no.1 during the Korean War and it’s character”, Paperpresented at the Symposium held by Korea Democracy Foundation Dec <War, Law and Democracy : for overcoming the cold war and democratization of the law of war >, Dec, 2009.
“The Theoretical Issues about POW Camp”, Paper presented at the Monthly Colloquium held by Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies, Seoul National University, Mar. 2007.
“The Monopoly of the Public Sphere: Korea’s Public Interest for broadcasting from 1961 to 1979”. Paper presented at the Annual Conference held by Korean Social History Association, Seoul, Oct. 2005.