Dr. Deok Ryong Yoon

Dr. Yoon is a senior research fellow at the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP). He was an executive director of PECC Korea and director general of APEC Education Foundation. He worked also as a Senior Advisor to the Minister of Finance and served as the Korean representative of the G20 Working Group for MDBs in 2014.
He has joined a number of expert groups and advisory committees affiliated with various government ministries and presidential office in Korea. Currently he is a member of the Committee for International Financial Development at the Ministry of Strategy and Finance. Previously, he served as a member of several key committees such as National Economic Advisory Council for the President, steering committee of Korea Investment Corporation (KIC), advisory committees of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Unification. In addition, he has continued to serve as a head of the evaluation team for public companies at the Ministry of Strategy and Finance.
He was an adjunct professor at the Institute for Korean Unification Studies at Yonsei University. He was a visiting professor at the Berlin Free University and at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University.
In academic area, he is the current chairman of Korea International Finance Association (KIFA) and led the EU-Studies Association Korea in 2015 as chairman. He also serves as one of organizers for Western Economic Association International in the US.
Among numerous papers and books he wrote, Dr. Yoon is the author of the articles: “Asian Monetary Cooperation: A Search for Regional Monetary Stability in the Post-Euro and the Post-Asian Crisis Era” in Economic Papers (Bank of Korea 2000); “Searching for a Better Regional Surveillance Mechanism in East Asia” (HWWA, 2002); “The Role of Regional Development Banks: Financing for Development and Solidarity in East Asia” (Edward Elgar, London, 2003); “The Structure of North Korea's political Economy: Changes and Effects” (KEI, Washington DC. 2004); “How to Finance North Korea's Capital Requirements for Economic Recovery,” (East Asian Review, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2004); “National Financial Revenue and Expenditure of North Korea” (KIEP 2005); “A Roadmap for East Asian Monetary Integration” (KIEP 2007); “The Korean Economic Adjustment to the World Financial Crisis” (Asian Economic Papers, 2011); “Issues on Development Aid: European Perspective” (KIEP, 2012); “The Economic Implications of Financial Opening and Future Tasks” (KIEP, 2014), “The Impact of Population Ageing on Financial Market Structures and Policy Implications” (KIEP, 2016). “Impact of monetary Policy on Exchange Rate in Emerging Economies” (KIEP, 2018).
He received his B.A., M.A. and Ph. D. in economics from Kiel University, Germany.