Dr. Jieun Kim

Institut für Koreastudien
Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften
Freie Universität Berlin
NAME: Dr. Jieun Kim
Sociocultural anthropology and medical anthropology, social exclusion and inequality, urban poverty and social suffering, social movement and civil society, technologies and ethics of care, politics of life and death, time and space, narrative, subjectivity, mental illness and addiction, blood banks, ethnicity and nationhood, gender and migration, ethnographic methods; Japan, Korea, China
2015 Ph.D. Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
2010 M.A. Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
2007 M.A. Anthropology, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
2003 B.A. Anthropology, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Peer-Reviewed Publications
2016 “Necrosociality: Isolated Death and Unclaimed Cremains in Japan,” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 22 (4): 1-21.
2007 “The Making of ‘The Korean Wife’: The Institutionalization of Transnational Marriages Between Vietnamese Women and Korean Men,” Cross-Cultural Studies 13 (2): 5-34. (In Korean)
2012 Centennial Grant, Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan
2010-2011 Dissertation Fieldwork Grant, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research
2007-2010 Ph.D. Study Abroad Scholarship, Ilju Academic and Cultural Research Foundation, Korea
2006 Cultural Diversity Fund, Daum Foundation, Korea
2016 “Fragile Infrastructures: Rethinking ‘the Global’ in Health Ethnographies.” Rencontres Annuelles d’Ethnographie de l’EHESS, Paris, France, November 24-25.
2016 “GEAS Symposium: Inequality, Social Policy, and Social Movements in East Asia,” The Graduate School of East Asian Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin. October 21-22.
2015 “Deathscapes and Necrosociality in Contemporary Society.” 1st AIBR International Conference of Anthropology. Autonomous University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain. July 7-10.
2017 “Improvising Care in Underclass Japan.” Belonging: Affective, moral and political practices in an interconnected world. The German Anthropological Association Biannual Conference 2017. Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin. October 4-7.
2017 “The Biopolitics of Disposable Bodies in Postwar Japan: The Case of Day Laborers.” 6th French Network for Asian Studies International Conference. Sciences Po, Paris. June 26-28.
2017 “The Other City: Alternative Aspirations in an Underclass Enclave in Japan.” City and Society: The Care of the Self. IIAS-TU DELFT Seminar. Leiden University, Leiden. May 10-11.
2017 “The Many Faces of the Gift of Blood in Japan.” The Chaire Singleton Symposium 2017. Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-neuve. May 3-5.
2017 “The Rhythm of Life, Temporalities of Care: Survival in Underclass Japan.“ Oxford Brookes Europe Japan Research Centre Seminar Series. Oxford Brookes University, Oxford. February 8.
2016 “Selling Labor, Selling Blood: Day Laborers and Blood Banks in Postwar Japan.” EHESS/SciencesPo Collective Research Seminar: Mesurer la valeur humaine, December 7.
2016 “Soup Kitchen Activism: Mediating the Flow of Time in Postindustrial Japan.” GEAS Symposium: Inequality, Social Policy, and Social Movements in East Asia. Berlin. October 21-22.
2016 “Redeemable Blood: The Social Life of Blood and Blood Banks in Japan.” Les Biobanques: Quelle Reconfiguration Pour Le Vivant? Approches Interdisciplinaires et Comparatives. Colloque International. Pépinière Interdisciplinaire CNRS-PSL. Paris. May 12-13.
2015 “The Rhythm of Life in Homeless Japan.” Annual Conference, American Anthropological Association, Denver, CO. November 18-22.
2015 “Necrosociality: The Practice of Care for the Homeless Beyond Life in Japan.” 1st AIBR International Conference of Anthropology. Autonomous University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain. July 7-10.
2014 “Taming Death: The Ethics of Care and Technologies of Protection in a ‘Homeless Town’ in Japan.” IUAES 2014 Inter-congress: The Future with/of Anthropologies. Chiba, Japan. May 15-18.
2012 “An Anthropological Approach to the Margins of Society: A Case Study of Kotobuki District in Yokohama.” Fieldwork Methodology Seminar, Meiji Gakuin University, Yokohama, Japan (In Japanese). June 21.
2011 “Reading Japanese Culture through the 3/11 Great East Japan Earthquake” Reading Culture in the Global Age, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (In Korean). April 7.
Introduction to Anthropology (Seoul National University, University of Michigan)
Ethnic Diversity in Japan (University of Michigan)
Medical Anthropology (University of Michigan)