Dr. Hyun Gyung Kim

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Ph. D. in Women’s Studies, Ewha Womans University, South Korea, 2014
Dissertation Title:
“A Study of Actors as Gendered Image Commodities within the Management-Structured Entertainment Industry in South Korea”
M.A. in Women’ Studies, Ewha Womans University, South Korea, 2003
B.A. in Political Science and Diplomacy, Yonsei University, South Korea, 1999
Employment History
Research Professor (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Research and Teaching), Institute of Korean Studies (IKS), Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
November 2019-Present
Postdoctoral Fellow (Research and Teaching), Graduate School of East Asian Studies (GEAS), Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
April 2017-October 2019
Postdoctoral Fellow (Research and Teaching), School of Communications, Kwang Woon University / National Research Foundation of Korea, South Korea
July 2015-March 2017
Coordinator (Organizing Conferences and Research Assistance), Asian Center for Women’s Studies, Ewha Womans’ University, South Korea
November 2005-February 2007
Coordinator (Public Relations and Accounting), Secretariat for World Congress of Women’s Studies 2005, South Korea
July 2004-October 2005
Program Manager (Planning the Program for School Dropout Youth), Seoul Metropolitan Government’s Youth Labor Center “Haja," South Korea
August 2003-June 2004
Research Associate
“Integration of Men in Gender Equality Policy in Korea.”, Korean Women’s Development Institute (KWDI), South Korea
March 2016-December 2016
Research Associate
“Adolescent Sexuality Education in Korea.”, Korean Women’s Institute (KWI), Ewha Womans University / The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, South Korea
August 2015-February 2016
Principal Investigator
“Next Generation Scholars’ Support Project: The Transformation of the Korean Broadcasting Industry from the 1990s onward through a Reconstitution of the Gendered Division of Labor.”, National Research Foundation of Korea, South Korea
September 2014-August 2015
Principal Investigator
“Young Generation Hub Project: Young Artists, the Self-Employed and the Making of Communities.”, Seoul Metropolitan Government, South Korea
June 2014-November 2014
Principal Investigator
“Oral History Project: Life Histories of Actresses in All-Female Korean Performances in 1950s-1960s South Korea.”, National Institute of Korean History, South Korea
March 2008-December 2008
Awards and Grants
Distinguished Teacher Award, University of Seoul 2014-2016
Distinguished Paper Grant Award, Graduate Students’ Association of Ewha Womans University 2008
Ph. D Scholarship, The Korean Scholarship Foundation for the Future Leaders 2007-2008
Ewha RA Scholarship 2007
Distinguished Paper Grant Award, Ewha Student Newspaper 2001
Ewha Special Graduate Student Scholarship 1999-2001
Yonsei Special Undergraduate Student Scholarship 1995, 1997-1998
Academic and Administrative Experience
Member of Research Committee, Korean Association of Women’s Studies, South Korea
January 2015-December 2016
Research Assistant
“Survey on Female Entertainers’ Human Rights”, Korean Women’s Development Institute (KWDI) / National Human Rights Commission of Korea, South Korea
September 2009-February 2010
Research Assistant
“The Political Economy of Female (Consumption) Culture in the 1950s.”, Institute of Unification Studies, Ewha Womans’ University / National Research Foundation of Korea, South Korea
July 2008-July 2009
Staff Editor, Journal of Korean Women’s Studies, Korean Association of Women’s Studies, South Korea
January 2008-June 2009
Research Assistant
“Korean Modernity and the Transformation of Patriarchy”, Korean Women’s Institute (KWI), Ewha Womans’ University / National Research Foundation of Korea, South Korea
September 2000-November 2001
Community Involvement
Producer of Documentary Film | 2008-2016
I am a producer for three excellent, prize-winning films (“My Father’s House” (2011) , “Girl Princes” (2012), and “Itaewon” (2016)), which dealt with the issues of the ‘house-poor’ in Seoul, ‘all-female performance’ during the 1950s in Korea, and the sex workers' lives in U.S. military base. They were invited to be screened at national/international film festivals such as the Jeonju International Film Festival, the International Women’s Film Festival in Seoul, Queer Film Festival in Seoul, DMZ International Documentary Film Festival and the Korean Film Festival in San Diego, US.
Asian Short Film & Video Competition Juror
The 16th International Women’s Film Festival in Seoul (IWFFS) | 2014
Teaching Experience
Ph.D. and Master Courses
Gender/Sexuality in Modern East Asia
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Winter 2019/2020
Korean Anthropology: Interdisciplinary and Qualitative Approaches to Korean Culture and Politics (team teaching)
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Winter 2018/2019
Human Rights and Gender in Korea (team teaching)
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Summer 2018
Bachelor Courses
Transnational Understanding of History and Culture in Modern East Asia
Universität Leipzig, Germany Summer 2019 / Summer 2018
Reading the Classics: Communication and Human Being
Ewha Womans University, South Korea Spring/Fall 2016, Spring/Fall 2015, Spring/Fall 2014
Gender/Sexuality in Korea
University of Seoul, South Korea Spring/Fall 2016, Spring/Fall 2015, Spring/Fall 2014
Social Construction of Sexuality and Culture
Ewha Womans University, South Korea Spring 2015, Spring/Fall 2014
Reading Social Science Classics: Understanding Capitalism
Ewha Womans University, South Korea Summer Session 2014
Reading and Discussion / Gender Studies and Masculinity in Korea
Seoul Women’s University, South Korea Spring 2013
Introduction of Gender Studies
Ewha Womans University, South Korea
Winter Session 2011-2012, Spring 2011, Summer Session 2009
Sexuality and Relationships in Korea
University of Seoul, South Korea Spring/Fall 2008
Sexuality and Society
Seoul Women’s University, South Korea Summer Session 2008
Introduction of Gender Studies / Sexuality and Society
Kkottongnae University, South Korea Spring 2008
Research Interests
Memory Politics of Postcolonial Cold-War regime; Mobilization of a Female Body and Sexuality in Postcolonial Cold-War Period; Media and Cultural Industry in East Asia; Governmentality and Media Labor Subjectivity; The Change of Love, Relationships and Family in East Asia; Oral History; Qualitative Methodology
The Transformation of Love and Relationships since the 1990s onwards in South Korea. Seoul: Banbi. 2018. (in Korean)
Co-authored Monograph
The Feminist Time Warp. Seoul: Banbi. 2019. (in Korean)
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
“Dream Worker: The Labor Subjectivities of Aspiring and Lookie Actors in Korea.” In Progress. (in English)
“Forced Testimony, Forgotten Memory: One Former Comfort Woman’s Story.” In Progress. (in English)
“K-Drama Conglomerate and the Birth of Korean Wave Celebrities in South Korea.” East Asian Journal of Popular Culture. 2020. Forthcoming (in English)
“Concerning Public Female Figures’ Hairstyles: Gender and Developmentalism in South Korea.” Feminist Media Studies. 2020. Forthcoming. (in English)
“The Postfeminist Family Narrative in the Neoliberal Era: Focusing on Drama <Responses> Series.” Media, Gender & Culture 32(1). 2017. (in Korean)
“The Cultural Politics of Gendered Schadenfreude Surrounding an Idol: Focusing on the Debates over I.U.” Korean Journal of Communication & Information 80. 2016. (in Korean)
“The Melodramatic Imagination in the Neoliberal era: on T.V. drama <Secret>.” Women’s Studies Review 32(2). 2015. (in Korean)
"'Producing Women' and 'Labor as a Lover': a Female Aspiring Entertainer/Rookie’s Work in the Media Affective Economy.” Journal of 사이間SAI 19. 2015. (in Korean)
“Searching for the ‘Feminist Sexual Violence Prevention Education.’” Journal of Korean Women’s Studies 31(2). 2015. (in Korean)
“Aspiring Actors, Cosmetic Surgery and the Formation of the ‘Image Commodity-Subject.’” Women’s Studies Review 31(2). 2014. (in Korean)
“The Gender/Sexuality Politics of the Korean Entertainment Industry.” Journal of Korean Women’s Studies 30(2). 2014. (in Korean)
“A Feminist Reading of Kim Jin-Suk, ‘[Woman] Laborer.’” Issues in Feminism 12(2). 2012. (co-author, in Korean)
“Considering Concepts of ‘Culture’ and ‘Sexual Difference’: ‘Feminist Cultural Studies’ in Korea since the 1990s.” Korean Cultural Studies, 53. 2010. (in Korean)
Book Chapters
“A Spunky Daughter meets a Queer Boy: Postfeminist Representation in Korean TV series Reply.” Jesook Song & Michelle Cho (eds.), Media, Gender, and Affect. Routledge. 2020. Forthcoming. (in English)
“(Japanese) Jimusho(社務所), (Korean) Kihaeksa(企劃社): The Making of a Transnational Idol Production System.” Jason G. Karlin & Patrick W. Galbraith (eds.), Media Keywords. Bloomberg. 2019. Forthcoming. (in English)
“Female Idol/Girl Group and Schadenfreude.” Feminist Critic: for Better Discussion. Seoul: Humanist. 2018. (in Korean)
“Feminist Cultural Studies and Popular Culture.” Women’s Studies in Everyday Life. Seoul: Pakyoungsa. 2017. (in Korean)
“Female College Students’ Love: Changes in the Politics of Sexuality, Love, and the Meanings of Marriage.” Lectures on Sexuality 2. Seoul: Dongnuk. 2006. (in Korean)
“Politics of Festivities, Festival of Resistance.” The Feminist Manifesto. Seoul: Dongnuk. 2000. (in Korean)
Book Reviews
“The Frontline of Research on Communication, Media, and Culture in Korea.” The Book Review of Dal Yong Jin and Nojin Kwak (eds.), Communication, Digital Media, and Popular
Culture in Korea: Contemporary Research and Future Prospects. Lanham: Lexington
Books, 2018. Asiascape: Digital Asia 6. 2019. (in English)
“How Neoliberalism Has Become Everyday Lives.” The Book Review of Hyun Mi Kim (ed.), Intimate Enemy. Seoul: Ihu, 2010. Korean Women’s Studies 26(3). 2010. (in Korean)
Working Papers
“Educating European Students on ‘Comfort Women’.” Institute of Korean Studies (IKS), Freie Universität Berlin. 2019. Forthcoming. (in English)
Translation (English into Korean)
Sexual Difference, Challenge for Democracy. Seoul: Ingansarang. 2009. (co-translator, in Korean)
(Joan W. Scott. Parite! Sexual Equality and the Crisis of French Universalism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005.)
Journalistic and Other Contribution (Selected)
“The Case of the Late Female Actor Chang Jayeon, beyond Chosun Ilbo and the list.” Literature Magazine Littor No. 12, Seoul: Minumsa. 2018. (in Korean)
“Emerging of Romantic Marriage Ideology Age.” Literature Magazine Littor No. 9, Seoul: Minumsa. 2017. (in Korean)
“Debate on the Possibility of Female President in 2002 vs. The Impeachment of Park Gun Hye in 2016: Again, it is time to speculate ‘Park Gun Hye.’” Literature Magazine Littor No. 8, Seoul: Minumsa. 2017. (in Korean)
“Novel Commentary of On My Daughter: On My Mother, Actually.” On My Daughter. Seoul: Minumsa. 2017. (in Korean)
“Secret List and Sponsor.” SBS The high-profile program Seeking for the Truth. 13 February 2016. (in Korean)