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Call for Applications: Korea Competence Week for Graduate Students and PhD Candidates

CFA Competence Week Banner

CFA Competence Week Banner
Bildquelle: Institute of Korean Studies

News vom 09.06.2022

The Korea-Europe Center at the Institute of Korean Studies/Freie Universität Berlin is pleased to announce the 2022 Workshop Series <Korea Competence Week> for graduate students and PhD candidates intending to enhance the academic and political competence of those involved in Korea-related research and politics.


Applicants must be either enrolled in a Korean Studies graduate program or undertaking research on a Korea-related theme at a university in Europe.

The center will provide roundtrip airfare (economy class) within Europe, accommodations, and meals for the duration of the workshop for five selected applicants.

Application period:  
The application period runs from 25th May to 25th June 2022. (6 pm CEST)

Submit the following documents in one PDF file to daniela.claus-kim[at]fu-berlin.de

  • Letter of Motivation
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • List of publications (if applicable)
  • Copy of certificate of enrollment at a European university

Contact: Dr Daniela Claus-Kim

  • Phone: +49 (0)30 838 56968
  • Email: Daniela.claus-kim[at]fu-berlin.de

Announcement of selected participants: 11th July 2022


For more information, please see "Links zum Thema"

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