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CfA Korea Competence Week 2022 - Deadline extension

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CFA Competence Week Banner
Bildquelle: Institute of Korean Studies

News vom 23.06.2022

The Korea-Europe Center at the Institute of Korean Studies/Freie Universität Berlin is pleased to announce the 2022 Workshop Series <Korea Competence Week> for graduate students and PhD candidates intending to enhance the academic and political competence of those involved in Korea-related research and politics.


Applicants must be either enrolled in a Korean Studies graduate program or undertaking research on a Korea-related theme at a university in Europe.

The center will provide roundtrip airfare (economy class) within Europe, accommodations, and meals for the duration of the workshop for five selected applicants.

Deadline extension! New application deadline: 30th June 2022

Submit the following documents in one PDF file to daniela.claus-kim[at]fu-berlin.de

  • Letter of Motivation
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • List of publications (if applicable)
  • Copy of certificate of enrollment at a European university

Contact: Dr Daniela Claus-Kim

  • Phone: +49 (0)30 838 56968
  • Email: Daniela.claus-kim[at]fu-berlin.de

Announcement of selected participants: 11th July 2022


For more information, please see "Links zum Thema"

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