[Neue Publikation] Breakfast in Korea - Between Tradition and Modernity
in: Wierlacher, Alois (Hrsg.). Kulinaristik des Frühstücks. Breakfast Across Cultures. München: Iudicium, S. 292-305
Prof. Dr. Eun-Jeung Lee & Daniela Claus-Kim - 2018
News vom 13.02.2018
Among Koreans, “Have you eaten yet?” is a common form of morning greeting. One would not think it strange even to be greeted like that in a morning program on the radio. To non-Koreans, a morning greeting of “Have you eaten yet?” sounds rather odd, and they tend to take these words to mean an invitation to have breakfast together. They are the more surprised when their friend or acquaintance proceeds to pass them without so much as another word. ...