Prof. Sang-Jin HAN: "Transitional Justice in East Asia: Communicative Approach and its Implication for a Liberal Solution"
IKS-Special Lecture
News vom 08.06.2015
The Institute of Korean Studies is pleased to announce a special lecture by Professor Sang-Jin Han. Professor Han earned his PhD in Sociology at Southern Illinois University in 1979. He was a professor in the department of sociology at Seoul National University, and since 2010, he has been an emeritus professor at the same university. He served as Chairman of the Presidential Committee on policy planning of Republic of Korea during the Kim Dae-jung government. As a prolific researcher, he has published numerous books and articles in sociology and his recent studies include “Can Japan Overcome the Ghost of the Past? A Communicative Approach (in Divided Nations and Transitional Justice, Boulder: Paradigm, 2012)” and “Confucianism and Human Rights: People-Centered Participatory Communitarian Human Rights and the Kwangju Democratic Self-Rule in 1980 (in Confucianism in Context: Classic Philosophy and Contemporary Issues: East Asian and Beyond. State University of New York Press, 2010)”
Prof. Sang-Jin Han: "Transitional Justice in East Asia: Communicative Approach and Its Implication for a Liberal Solution"
Date: 10.06.2015
Time: 18:00
Venue: Seminar Room, Fabeckstr. 7, 14195 Berlin