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Special Lecture - Korean Politics Today

Just Another Crisis? Roundtable Discussion on North Korea

News vom 16.04.2013

Just Another Crisis?

Roundtable Discussion on North Korea

Ever since the rising tensions on the Korean peninsula following North Korea's renewed missile test in December 2012 and especially since its third nuclear test in February 2013, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is once again in the global spotlight. With the precarious situation on the Korean peninsula rapidly escalating, many seem perplex by the alarming rhetoric and provocative actions of the North, questioning both Pyongyang's motives and the possible courses for action of the international community.

Against this background, the Institute of Korean Studies organizes a Roundtable discussion that aims to give substance to the current debate on the developments on Korean peninsula. Bringing together German and Korean experts on North Korea, the discussion will put the recent events in historical and political perspective and addresses the underlying root causes and developments that have led to and might help understand the current crisis.

The discussion will be held on April 17, 2013 at 6:00 pm and takes place at ‘Weiterbildungszentrum’ of FU Berlin. 



Mr. Yoon Young-Kwan

Professor of International Relations at Seoul National University and former foreign minister of South Korea

Mr. Park Myung-lim     

Professor of Political Science at Yonsei University and former director of the Center for North Korean Studies at Korea University

Mr. Eric J. Ballbach   

Research fellow at the Institute of Korean Studies, Freie Universität Berlin



Mr. Werner Pfennig      

Project manager of the research project “Sharing the German Government’s Documents on Unification and Integration”




Freie Universität Berlin

Weiterbildungszentrum, Sitzungsraum 1.OG

Otto-von-Simson-Str. 13

14195 Berlin



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