Prof. Dr. Steffen Heinrich

Ostasiatisches Seminar / Japanologie
(Vertretung Prof. Dr. Verena Blechinger-Talcott)
Professurvertretung für Politik und Wirtschaft Japans
Raum 1.19
14195 Berlin
Wintersemester 2024/2025
mittwochs von 10.00 - 12.00 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung (online oder persönlich)
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Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
since 09/2019 | Visiting Professor at the Institute of Japanese Studies, Department of Historical und Cultural Studies, Freie Universität Berlin |
09/2017-08/2019 | Head of the Social Science Section, German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ), Tokyo |
09/2014–08/2019 | Senior research fellow, German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ), Tokyo |
01/2012–08/2014 | Post-doc researcher in research project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), “cross-border temporary staffing. Market-making and transnational regulation in inter-regional comparison”, University Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg. |
01/2010–08/2014 | Research associate and lecturer, Institute of Sociology and Institute of East Asian Studies, University Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg |
04/2008-02/2010 | Research associate and lecturer, Institute of Political Science, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg |
Publikationsliste (Stand: Februar 2023)
Heinrich Steffen (2022): Fallende Kosten staatlicher Intervention: Abes Kehrtwenden in der Arbeitsmarktpolitik, in: Chiavacci, David und Iris Wieczorek (Hg.): Japan 2022. Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, München: Iudicium, 73-82.
Heinrich, Steffen on Lechevalier, Sebastien and David Chiavacci (2017, eds): Japanese political economy revisited: Abenomics and institutional change, London: Routledge. Social Science Japan Journal, 25 (1), Winter 2022, 185–188. [book review]
Heinrich, Steffen and Jun Imai (2020): Work and employment: Inside, outside and beyond the lifetime employment model, in: Takeda, Hiroko and Mark Williams (eds): Routledge handbook of contemporary Japan, London: Routledge, 80-101.
Heinrich, Steffen (2020): Herculean efforts: What the construction of the Olympic Stadium reveals about working conditions in Japan, in: Holthus, Barbara; Isaac Gagné, Wolfram Manzenreiter and Franz Waldenberger (eds): Japan through the lens of the Tokyo Olympics, Routledge: 33-38. Open access:
Heinrich, Steffen; Shire, Karen A. and Hannelore Mottweiler (2020): Fighting (for) the margins: Trade union responses to the emergence of cross-border temporary agency work in the European Union, in: Journal of Industrial Relations 62 (2).
Heinrich, Steffen (2019): The politics of balancing equality and flexibility. A comparison of recent equal pay reforms in Germany and Japan, in: Uta Meier-Gräwe, Miyoko Motozawa and Annette Schad-Seifert (eds): Family life in Japan and Germany. Challenges for a gender sensitive family policy. Wiesbaden: Springer, 267-294.
Shire, Karen, Steffen Heinrich, Jun Imai, Hannelore Mottweiler, Markus Tünte, and Chih-Chieh Wang (2018): Private Labour Market Intermediaries in Cross-Border Labour Markets in Europe and Asia: International Norms, Regional Actors and Patterns of Cross-Border Labour Mobility. In: Quack, Sigrid, Schulz-Schaeffer, Ingo, Shire, Karen, and Anja Weiß (eds). Transnationalisierung der Arbeit, Wiesbaden: Springer, 155-183.
Heinrich, Steffen (2018): ドイツ労働市場In: 日本労働研究雑誌60 (4). pp. 29-37.
Heinrich, Steffen (2017): (Keine) Angst vorm Wähler: Abes arbeitsmarktpolitische Strukturreformen in Zeiten wachsender Ungleichheit, in: Heinrich, S. and Vogt, G. (eds): Japan in der Ära Abe. Eine politikwissenschaftliche Analyse, München: Iudicium. 118-138.
Heinrich, Steffen and Gabriele Vogt (2017): Abes Politik und Politik unter Abe: Eine Einführung, in: Heinrich, S. and Vogt, G. (eds): Japan in der Ära Abe. Eine politikwissenschaftliche Analyse, München: Iudicium. 11-27.
Heinrich, Steffen and Gabriele Vogt (2017): Abes Politik und Politik unter Abe: Eine Zwischenbilanz, in: Heinrich, S. and Vogt, G. (eds): Japan in der Ära Abe. Eine politikwissenschaftliche Analyse, München: Iudicium. 271-284.
Heinrich, Steffen (2016): Does employment dualisation lead to political polarisation? Assessing the impact of labour market inequalities on political discourse in Japan, in: Chiavacchi, David; Hommerich, Carola (Hg.) Social inequality in post-growth Japan. Transformation during economic and demographic stagnation. London: Routledge. 73-87.
Heinrich, Steffen and Tobias Söldner (2016, eds): Contemporary Japan, 28 (2).
Apitzsch, Birgit, Karen Shire, Steffen Heinrich, Hannelore Mottweiler und Markus Tünte (2015): Flexibiliät und Beschäftigungswandel, Weinheim und Basel: Beltz Juventa.
Heinrich, Steffen (2010): Patterns of dualisation. Coordinated capitalism and the politics of flexible labour markets in Germany and Japan 1990-2010, Heidelberg, Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg.
Heinrich, Steffen (2010): Facing the ‚dark side‘ of deregulation? The politics of two-tier labour markets in Germany and Japan after the global financial crisis, in: Greener, I./ Holden, C./Kilkey, M. (eds): Social Policy Review 22. Analysis and debate in social policy, 2010, Bristol: The Policy Press, pp. 151-176.
Heinrich, Steffen (2007): Die Wahlreform in Japan von 1994 und der Wandel des Parteienwettbewerbs – Eine vergleichende Studie zur Relevanz institutioneller Einflüsse. Münster: LIT-Verlag.