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Neue Publikationen von Cornelia Reiher, Ngo Tu Thanh und Cecilia Luzi

News vom 06.09.2023

Neue Publikationen von Cornelia Reiher, Ngo Tu Thanh und Cecilia Luzi

Die Mitglieder des DFG-Projekts „Urban-rural migration and rural revitalization in Japan“ (Leitung Prof. Dr. Cornelia Reiher) haben drei Beiträge im Band Research into Japanese society: Reflections from three projects involving students as researchers during the COVID-19 pandemic (2023)veröffentlicht:


Reiher, Cornelia (2023), “Studying rural Japan with PhD students during a global pandemic: Experiences from the research project “Urban-rural migration and rural revitalisation in Japan,” in: Sebastian Polak-Rottmann & Antonia Miserka (eds.), Research into Japanese society: Reflections from three projects involving students as researchers during the COVID-19 pandemic (= Beiträge zur Japanologie; 50). Wien: Abteilung für Japanologie, Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften, Universität Wien, pp. 142-157.

Ngo, Tu Thanh (2023), „Overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned from joining a group project in times of turbulence”, in: Sebastian Polak-Rottmann & Antonia Miserka (eds.), Research into Japanese society: Reflections from three projects involving students as researchers during the COVID-19 pandemic (= Beiträge zur Japanologie; 50). Wien: Abteilung für Japanologie, Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften, Universität Wien, pp. 158-169.

Luzi, Cecilia (2023), “Adapting schedules and learning to collaborate: Reflections on a PhD experience in a group project during the pandemic”, in: Sebastian Polak-Rottmann & Antonia Miserka (eds.), Research into Japanese society: Reflections from three projects involving students as researchers during the COVID-19 pandemic (= Beiträge zur Japanologie; 50). Wien: Abteilung für Japanologie, Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften, Universität Wien, pp. 170-180.

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